L. H. J.
Liber No. 47
October 2
A sufficient Number of Delegates to compose the Lower House of
Assembly being convened at the Stadt-House, Ordered, That Major
Barnes and Mr. Tilghman do acquaint his Excellency therewith.
George Plater, Esq; and Col. Hammond, from the Upper House,
acquaint Mr. Speaker, that the Governor requires the Attendance of
the Lower House of Assembly in the Upper House.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair, and attended by the Members of the
Lower House went to the Upper House; where his Excellency
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acquainted the Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly, That the Lord Proprietary had transmitted by him, a Speech
to both Houses of Assembly, which, by his Excellency's Directions,
was read by the Clerk of the Council, and was as followeth, viz.
F. Baltimore.
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly,
The Care of this Province now descending to me, as Lord and
Proprietary thereof, I think it will not be less agreeable to you, than
satisfactory to myself, to assure you, that I shall always follow the
good Examples of those my Ancestors, who first enterprized, estab-
lished, promoted and improved the Province of Maryland: Their
great and generous Motives, their constant Regard and Attention
to your Interest and Prosperity, their Love and Diligence, and the
Effects of it in the Increase of your Numbers, and the Extent of
your Commerce, will ever animate and influence me to discharge my
Duty to you, and my own Descendents, in such Manner, that the
posterity of both may not think less favourably of me, than of my
Ancestors. And I trust it will be esteemed one Proof of my Care,
that I have, with his Majesty's most gracious Approbation, named
and constituted Mr. Horatio Sharpe, to be my Lieutenant General
and Governor in Chief of the Province of Maryland; a Gentleman
whose Loyalty and Attachment to our happy Establishment, is cer-
tain, and from whose Integrity, Honour and Abilities, I have great
Reason to expect all that the Importance of so great a Trust, which
I have reposed in him, for the public Good and general Benefit of this
Province, may require.
Gentlemen of both Houses,
With all Duty and Allegiance to my Sovereign, I shall always
most sincerely desire to co operate and join with you, in preserving
the Government, both in Church and State, as by Law established :
And shall embrace every Occasion, wherein I may testify, the real
Love and Esteem I have for you, which I hope will be sufficiently
shewn by the Care I shall always take of the Laws, Liberties and
Properties of my good Tenants of the Province of Maryland. I
cannot entertain the least Doubt that I shall ever fail of all suitable
Returns from you, whose Justice and Regard for me, will. I am per-
suaded, induce you to do all in your Power in support of my just