An Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act to prevent the ill
Practices of Sheriffs in the Collecting & payment of the publick &
County Levies.
An Act continuing an Act Entituled a Supplementary Act to the
Act Entituled an Act ascertaining the height of Fences to prevent
the Evil occasioned by the Multitude of Horses and Restraining
Horse Rangers within this Province and to redress the great Evil
accruing to this Province by the Multiplicity of useless Horses Mares
& Colts that run in the Woods.
An Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act for Relieving the
Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggrievances in the Prose-
cution of Suits at Law and for continuing the Supplementary Act
An Act to prevent Masters of Ships and Vessels from clandestinely
Carrying Servants and Slaves or Persons Indebted out of this
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
November 17