At a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis
on Tuesday the Second day of October in the third year of his
Lordships Dominion Annoque Domini 1753.
U. H. J.
Liber No. 34
October 2
His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq.r Governor
p. 430
The Honourable
Benjamin Tasker Esq.r
Col. George Plater
Col. Charles Hammond
Col. Edward Lloyd
Col. Benjamin Tasker
Benedict Calvert Esq.r
Major Barnes and M.r Tilghman from the Lower house acquaint
his Excellency the Governor that there is a sufficient Number of
Members met to make a house and wait his Excellencys Commands
Colonel Plater and Colonel Hammond are sent to the Lower house
to acquaint the Speaker that his Excellency requires his immediate
Attendance with the Lower house in the Upper House.
The Lower house attend and his Excellency acquainted the Mem-
bers of both houses that the Lord Proprietary had Transmitted by
him a Speech to both houses of Assembly which by his Excellencys
directions was read by the Clerk of this house in the words follow-
ing Viz.t
Gentlemen of the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly
The Care of this Province now descending to me as Lord and
Proprietary thereof, I think it will not be less agreeable to you than
Satisfactory to myself to Assure you that I shall always follow the
good Examples of my Ancestors, who first enterprized established
promoted and improved the Province of Maryland Their Great
and Generous Motives, their constant Regard and Attention to your
Interest and Prosperity their Love and diligence and the Effects of
it in the Increase of your Numbers and the Extent of your Com-
merce will ever animate and influence me to discharge my duty to
you, and my own discendants in such manner that the Posterity of
both may not think less favourable of me than of my Ancestors, And
I trust it will be esteemed one Proof of my Care that I have with
his Majesty's most Gracious Approbation Named and Constituted
M.r Horatio Sharpe to be my Lieutenant General & Governor in
Chief of the Province of Maryland, a Gentleman whose Loyalty
and Attachment to Our happy Establishment is Certain and from
whose Integrity Honour and Abilitys I have Great reason to expect