Volume 49, Page 94 View pdf image (33K) |
94 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663. Liber B B John Nutthall dds writt agst Richard Ackworth, accon debt. Wt to sheriffe Caluert County to arrest &c. Ret. next Prou: Court, Ut supra. John Burage dds writt agst John Browne Sent accon Case. Wart to sheriffe Anarundell County to arrest & Ret Ut suppra Summons in ditt Hen: Mitchel, Gerard Hopkins, Armigall & Christian Greenwood to testify &c: Nouembr 23. Walter Hall demands Writt Scire ffacias v Anne Hammond for 1166£ Tob. & Cask, besides ffees 77£ Vid Rec- Wart to sheriffe St Maries County ut in ordinary. Ret, next Pro ords. Ano uinciall Court 8° Decembr 1659. fol. 229.257 & 275 Nouembr 25th 1663. Memorandm tht before the Leiutent Generall & the Chancellor & the Secretary & Jerome White Esq Came Samuel Cooper Sonne of Sampson Cooper late of Rippon in the County of Yorke in the King- dome of England Alderman, And desyred Liberty to Choose his Guardian, being graunted him by the Leiutt Generall, he Choose Barnaby Jackson of Screttons in St Maries County. Philip Caluert. By the Leiutennt Generall & Chancellor of Maryland Whereas att the last Prouinciall Court holden att St Marys for this prouince 8th Septembr last, The next Prouinciall Court was then appointed to bee held on the Second Twesday in Decembr following Being the 8th day thereof, Now for as much as the houlding of that Court on that day appointed will proue uery inconuinient by reason [p 134] of the prseflt distemper now reigning in the Country, These are therefore to giue notice to all prsons whom it may Concerne That I haue adjourned the said Court to be held on the Eigth day of De cembr as aforesaid untill the second Tuesday in February next being the 9th day thereof, And all writts and other Process issued for that Court intended to bee holden on the 8th of Decembr shall bee return able on the 9th day of February as aforesaid. Giuen undr my hand this Eigth & twentyth day of Nouembr 1663 Signed Philip Caluert Thomas Gerard Plant The ptt declares agt the defendt in an accon Richard Mical defendt of the Case for that whereas the defendt now Serut to the plt by the Lawes of Virginia wher hee was bought to Scruc did in the ycai- 1661 Exhibite to this honble Court a Cer tame Peticon therein upon many false and scandelous ascercons agt |
Volume 49, Page 94 View pdf image (33K) |
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