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502 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665. Liber F F preuaile to know where the goods are & tht hee uaiued his honor more then his life. Then comming in againe Mr Bailey asked him for his goods, His answere was tht hee might goe looke them. Then Bailey directed mee to the Doore where Staplefort came out. I asked Staple- font to open the Doore otherwise I would breake it open & shewed him my warrt & then bee bid mee doe if I dare. Thereuppon I did open it & called Mr Bailey in to see if any of his goods were there or noe, And bee did shew mee seuerall goods there of his. Afterwards Bailey carryed mee to a great Chest in another Roome, But Mr Stapiefort would not open the Chest. Then I broke it open & there fownd it full of Balleys goods. Then Bailey asked Staplefort for the rest of his goods, But would not tell him. ffeb the 24th Bailey sent for mee to make further search in Stapieforts Ronme & fownd come in another Chest & some under his feather bed & some up in the Loft about the seruants Beds. And then hee sayd to Bailey, Now there is all yor goods. But hee the sd Bailey repiyed hee wanted more & his writings, & further sayth not. Mr Willm Roswell aged 28 yeares or thereabouts sworne sayth, That on the 13th of March 1664 Mr Staplefort being my wifes Attor ney and hauing three Bills of hers in his hands hee did receiue some Tob. of hers; soe afterwards tht I was marryed to her, went to de mand the Tob. tht hee had receaued. Hee told mee I should have it where I pleased. It not being conuenient for my purpose, I desyred him tht hee would lett mee haue some goods for tht Tob. Hee tould mee hee had none, But Mr Bailey had some, Telling mee tht hee be ieiued Mr Bailey would lett mee haue what I would. Whereuppon Mr Staplefort spoake to Bailey desyring him to furnish mee wth such goods as I should haue occasion for; Promising to pay the sd Balley what the sd goods should amount unto. Soe this Depont tooke up to the ualue of 7791 Tob. And further sayth, That hee saw in a little roome a quantity of goods, as Cloath Linnen, & woollen, shooes & stockins, sugar, & other goods, wch I asked Mr Staplefort whose goods they were? & hee answered me tht they were Mr Balleys goods, for poore Stapiefort had nothing, & further sayth not. Elizabeth Holfhead aged 49 yeares or therabouts sworne sayth, That being aboard Sunderiands Vessell buying a quarter Cask of sack & other goods, I desyred Mr Sunderiand to lett mee haue a quar ter Cask of tht wch was good. This sack is none of mine repiyed hee [P.93] but Mr Baileys, soe is the Cloath yow see here. ifurther That being att Mr Stapieforts howse, to uisitt his wife, Mr Stapiefort desyred inee to come & drinke my mornings draught of Brandy. I told him I had drunke my mornings draught allready & hee says tht it was Mr Baileys & further sayth not. Vppon dilligent search of the Records of Caluert Concerning such businesses as haue occurred, or hapned in my time betweene Mr Raymond Staplefort, & Mr John Bailey, Doe find the sd Staplefort & |
Volume 49, Page 502 View pdf image (33K) |
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