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484 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665. Liber F F arrowes, Amongst web Indians this Depont doth declare that the In dian now in Custody by name Chotyke was one of them tht shott after the mayd, But for any of the other Three this Depont cannot say hee knew any of them, hauing noe time to peruse them, Then this Depont hollowes, Vppon wch the Indians runne back to the top of the hill & shott about halfe a score arrowes att him before any of the rest came up to him, Then after they were all come up, These sd Indians shott about fowrty arrowes att them, Then this Depont made up to recouer the howse: weh they did hinder by comming betweene him & the howse, in web time this Depont wth the rest did enspect John Gabinnett wth a Gun, came up Mrs Langworths eldest Girle being chased before by the sd Indians, Then the Indians all fall a hollowing & running downe the hill forced them back againe to Bennett Marchegays Plantoon, And when they desisted in pursueing them the aforesd Indian Chotyke shott an arrow att this Depont wch hee did defend wth a Tobacco stick in his hand, when they mett John Gabbinnett his gun, whereuppon they all run away, & further this Depont sayth nott. Thomas Hailings. Bennett Marchegay aged 32 yeares or thereabouts sworne on the 27th day of Septembr 1665 sayth, That this Depont was in his Tob. grownd his Poeple & Thomas Hailings comming by This Depont askd him to pype it, And while they were pypiug hee was saying, what doe yow thinke of th° Indians? now they are all gone to Pascattoway & deserted their Towne: And doe uerily beleiue tht as soone as their meetings are broake up that they will giue us a Clap. The word was noe sooner out of his mouth but they heard Mrs Langworth Cry away, away, Indians, Indians, soe I bad the folks run & hollow & this Depont would follow them after hee had fetched his Broad Axe, wch hee did & spoake to John Gabbinnett to goe & fetch his gun, & follow them. And when this Dept wth the rest of the English came into Mrs Langworth Plantoon, they saw ffower Indians wch when they saw the English they fell a running to the top of a Hill amongst web tht Indian Chotyke, now in custody, was one, for the other Three this Depont did not well know, hauing not time nor opportunity to come neare enough to them. Then they faced about, & seing tht this Depont wth the rest was un armed, they came running downe the Hill againe in pursuite of them, untill they were forced to retreete to this Deponts Plantoon, in wch interim this Depon did see Mrs Langworths eldest daughter run through the Indians, towards them for shelter, wch made this Depont stay the longer to saue her, And then came up John Gabbinnett wth a gun, & bid him pursue the Indians, while hee went to his howse to see his wife, & further this Depont sayth nott. These 5 foregoeing Deposns B. Marchegay was on the day & yeare afore written taken before me Charles Caluert |
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Volume 49, Page 484 View pdf image (33K) |
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