Volume 49, Page 476 View pdf image (33K) |
476 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665. Liber F F wch goods the Sibrey being alltogether uncapable of disposing re quested of the sd Mrs Morgan to lett yor Petr then her seruant to bee assistant to him; shee the sd Mrs Morgan gyuing yor Petr the benefitt thereof to conuert to his owne use, yor Petr keeping the sd Sibreys bookes of Accounts receiued most part of his Tob, & helped him dis pose of soe many goods as amounted to ffowrty Three Thowsd & odde pownds of Tob, for wch hee is not in the least satisfyed Wherefore yor Petrs humble request is tht this honble Bench would bee pleased to graunt an Order for Three Thowsd pownds of Tob. wch hee accepts of in satisfaction together wth Cost & Charge of suite And yor Petr shall pray &c: [p. 64] Att a Prouinciall Court held att St Maries on Twesday the Tenth day of Octobr 1665 Charles Caluert Esq Mr Edward Lloyd Philip Caluert Esqr Chancelr Mr Henry Coursey Mr Baker Brooke Coll William Euans Mr Thomas Truman The Court being mett & Oyes proclaymed, The Grand Jury of Enquest called (Vizt) foreman Richard Smyth ff rancis Carpenter John Bowles Robert Blinkhorne Michael Baysey Thomas Smoote William Euans Henry Tripp George Macall Arthure Ludford Thomas Innis James Walker George Collins Peter Mills Thomas Thorowgood James Veitch Robert Henly John Cage Who being all sworne The Chancelor deliuered their Charge; As Con cerning witchcraft, Burglary, felony, murther, & other Trespases where a Penalty or ffine is imposed by the Law of the Prouince. Ordered tht the sheriffe prouide a messenger to goe forthwth & wth what speed hee can up to Portobacco in Charles County & bring downe from thence Elioner the wife of Edmund Lindsey to testify Viua Voce in Court what shall bee demanded of her concerning Hannah Lee the Wife of Willm Price & Mary Marler, And bee here againe in Court her the sd Elionor by Saturday next. Att a Court held in Caluert County 21th March 1665 Pnte Maior Brooke Thomas Letchworth Hugh Stanly George Peake Gentn Charles Brooke |
Volume 49, Page 476 View pdf image (33K) |
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