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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 448   View pdf image (33K)
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                448  Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665.

               Liber F F Henry Hudson dds writt agt Francis Pope late Sherriffe of
                      Charles County in an accon uppon his Case to the uallue of 20000lb
                       Warrt to sherriffe of Charles County to arrest &c. Ret: next Pro
                      uinciall Cort 13th June next

                      To the honble Gouernor & Councell of the Prouince of Maryland
                       The humble petn of Henry Hudson Agt ffrancis Pope late sher
                      rife of Charles County—most humbly sheweth
                       That whereas in the Genll Assembly houlden at St Johns for the
                      said Prouince the fourth day of March which was in the yeare of
                      Our Lord One thowsand six hundred ffourty seauen amongst other
                      thinges then & there Ordained & done a Certaine Act entituled an Act
                      for the Extent of Attachmts and Execucons was conceiued & made
                      by which it is enacted that noe attachmt shall or may be laid upon
                      any the Goods or Chattles of any inhabitant in this prouince except
                      the true owner thereof be not at that time resident or dwelling in
                      the prouince & whoeuer shall attach more then a fourth part ouer
                      and aboue the uallue of the debts shall beare the damages of the
                      Attachmt & the damage of the partye, And yor petr doth declare unto
                      yor Honnors that the said sherriffe by an Attachmt issuing from the
                      Court holden for Charles County aforesaid at the suite of John
                      Neuill bearing date the eleauenth day of March which was in the
                      yeare of Our Lord One thowsand six hundred sixty ffower did the
                      seauenteenth day of March aforesaid Attach Certaine Goods of yor
                      petrs much exceeding one fourth parte ouer & aboue the ua!lue of
                      the debt supposed to be due unto the said John Neuill to yor petrs
                      losse and damage of twenty thowsand pounds of tobacco and con
                      trary to the before recited Act of Assembly by which accon hath
                      accrued to yor petr to require & haue of the said sherrifte his damage
                       May it therefore please yor Honnors to Consider the prmisses &
                      grant yor petr Order of this Court agst the said sherriffe for his dath
                      ages aforesaid his Costs And he shall
                 [p. 26]  May 19th

                       Then receiued By mee Daniel Jenifer by the handes of the Honble
                      Chancellor One Booke of Testamentary Causes beginning the 18th
                      of August 1658, ending Nouembr the 3d 1659
                               p mee Daniel Jenifer

                       Whereas George Gooddrick did at Our Prouinciall Court held
                      the 20th day of December 1664 an Order obtaine agt the Estate of
                      Edward Prescott for the sume of ffiue thowsand pounds of tobacco

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 448   View pdf image (33K)
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