Volume 49, Page 433 View pdf image (33K) |
- Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665. 433 one mile from the water side the said Couant did refuse to fetch Liber F F them whereupon yor petr gaue him 4 hhds out of his owne house which made up the said sume of 40 hhds which he was engaged to ship on board as aforesaid but the said Couant hauing an intent to defraud yor petr of the said 4 hhds of tobacco after they were shipt on board his shipe seazed unjustly upon the said 4 hhds of tobacco and scratches out the markes of them and marks and numbers them as he thought fltt, in prtence of stoppadge of a debt that was due to him from the said ffoxhall though nener demanded, which yor petr is ready to make appeare by sufficient wittnes— Theref ore yor petr humbly prayes Ordt of this Honble Court agst the said Couant for such his unjust proceedings as the Act in that Case prouided doth direct And he shall pray &c Know all men by these prsents that I Abraham ffoxall of Burning- [p. 5] ham in the County of warwick am bound and firmly obleiged vnto Thomas Yate of the Citty of Bristoll mercht the full weight of Eight thowsand Eight hundred pounds of good merchantable tobaccoe to be paid to the said Thomas Yate his Executors or Admrs to the which paymt well & truely to be made I binde my selfe my heires Executors and Admrs firmly by these prsents sealed with my seale and dated the 24th day of September in the yeare of Our Lord God One thowsand six hundred sixty and fower— The Condicon of this Obligacon is such that if the aboue bound Abraham ffoxall his Executors or Assignes doe and shall wthin the space of forty dayes next after his arriuall in Vergenia well and truely pay or Cause to be paid unto the aboue named Thomas Yate his Executors or Assignes the full weight of fower thowsand eight hundred pounds of good sound merchantable Virgenia in Caske, that then this Obligacon to be uoid or else to stand in full force and Vertue Sigitt and deliued in Abraham ffoxall Seale the prsence of— Tho: Webb Richard Pill Thomas Paine desires the marke of his Cattle may be recorded Apr 19tth which is as followeth (uizt) Cropt and slitt on both eares And vnder keel'd on the Rigt Eare. John Wright dds writt agst CaV Thomas Smyth in an accon of Assault and Battery to the uallue of One hundred thowsand pounds of tobaccoe Warrt to sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c. Ret 13th June next Prouinall Court The said Wright dds summons for Wm Caluert Esq and Stephen Tully to testifye in ditto Causo— Summons to sherr of St Marys and Kent County to warne 49-28 |
Volume 49, Page 433 View pdf image (33K) |
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