Volume 49, Page 401 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65. 401 ordered all Ctks & sherriffes ffees be allsoe out of the said tobacco Liber B B paid that hath or shall accrue in any of the suites Concerning the prmisses To The Honnoble Gouemnor and Councell [p. 489] The humble petn of Marmaduke Snow Sheweth That yor petr hath obtayned Order agst W Thomas Gerrard for the sume of One thowsand pounds of sterling, Now soitis, that the sherr. hath Executed but 299lb: 11s: 3yd besides the sherr. hath Executed the lands of the sd Gerrard but hath not appraysed them nor deliuemed the said lands to yor Pete. Wherefore the prmisses Considered he humbly Craues Order of this Court that they will be pleased to grant a warrt to apprayse the said land and the same to deliuer to yor petr soe that he may be possest of his full right according to his former Order, And he shall pray The sherriffe returnes written on the back side of the former exe cucon thus—Executed to the uallue of Two hundred ninety nine pounds Eleauen shillings three Pence half e penny dated this 3d May 1664 Tho: Dent Whereas the sherriffe hath deliuered in to what uallue he hath Executed upon Mr Gerrards Estate and not finding any more prsonall Estate to perfect that Execucon for one thowsand pounds sterling— It is therefore Ordered that the Land of Mr Thomas Gerrard bee Extended and appraysed unless hee the said Gerrard doe produce a prsonall Estate to Compleate the remainder of the said Execucon of 1000lb sterling being £700: 8: 8½. To the Rigt Honnoble the Gouemnor & Councell The humble petn of John Grammer sheweth That yor petr hath been a prisoner near eight months to his greate damage and trouble—He therefore prayeth that he may be discharged no Cause to the Contrary appearinge And hee shall euer pray Vppon the aboue menconed petn Proclamacon in Court was three times made that the prisoner John Grammer stood uppon his Deliu erance noe prson appearing agst him It is Ordered that John Grammer be Cleare & freed from * * Gasper Guerin plt this Cause throwne out of Cort the uallue [p. 490] John Harrington deft being undr fifteene hundred pounds of to bacco, as in Act of Assembly is exprest John Harrington plt This Cause being the uallue of 900lb tob: as in Gasper Guerin deft the other Cause ut supra Therefore throwne out of Court as aboue 49-26 |
Volume 49, Page 401 View pdf image (33K) |
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