Volume 49, Page 389 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65. 389 of Court in Maryland after Entry made in the Office of the said Liber B B Sloope the red Sterne, according to Act of Parliamt and contrary to the Certifficate which they had undr my hand and scale, I finde my Selfe uery much Concern'd to appeare in the defence of that Com mission and Instruccons which his Matie intrusted mee wthall, that his Matles Councell and secretaryes may not be brought into ques tione in any of his Dominions for passing instruccons Contrary to Acts of Parliamts and in the last place that I haue not Exceeded his Maties Commission, & Consequently that the said sloope and Goods ought not to be detained, and therefore soe farre as concerns this matter, I shall truely make report to yow in the uery words of his Maties Instruccons Authorized by the broad Seale (vizt) To reduce the Dutch in or near Long Island or any where wthin the limits of Our owne Dominions to an intire obedience to Vs and Our Gou ernmt &c, reducing them to the same Rules and Obedience wth our owne subjects there, which yow are to let them know, is all wee aime att, wthout any purpose of using any other uiolences upon or towards [p. 4741 them than such as are necessary to those ends, and that no man shall bee disturbed or remoued from what he possesseth who will yeilde Obedience to Vs, and liue in the same subjection and uppon enjoying the same priuiledges wth our other good subjects &c, They hauing no kinde of right to hold what they are in possession of, in Our Vnques tionable Territoryes, than that they are possessed of it by inuasion of Vs. Thus farr the 2d Article of his Maties Instruccons The first Article of a 2d Instruccon sayes amongst other things That the Dutch may no longer Exercise & Engrosse that Trade which they haue wrongfully possest themselues of, and being in Our possession before they as priuate prsons, and wthout any Authority from their superiours and against the law of Nations and the good intelligence &c and detained the same to the prejudice of Our Crowne and Dignity and therefore Ought in Justice to be resumed by Vs, except they will entirely submitt to Our Gouernmt, and liue there as our other good subjects under it, and in that Case yow shall let them know by priuate Significacons and Treatyes, or by any publicqe Declaracon set out by yow in Our name, that Wee take them into Our Protection, and that they shall Continue and enjoy all their posses sions, and the same freedome in Trade wth Our good subjects in those parts./ By all which thus literally remitted to yow it does appeare that the dutch (who are Compriz'd in the Articles made at New Yorke) are to enjoy the priuiledges of Englishmen which must be as Dennizens, According to the Articles because Naturahizcon is onely by Act of Parliament As to the Acts of Parliamt quoted in yor Order (uizt) for En couragmt and Encrease of shipping, for encrease of trade (wherein his Matle and Councell are most tender) bee pleased to Compare |
Volume 49, Page 389 View pdf image (33K) |
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