Volume 49, Page 378 View pdf image (33K) |
378 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65. Liber B B To the Honnoble the Gouernor Chancellor & Councell in his Lordsps [p. 460] high Court of Chancery In most humble manner Complaining sheweth unto yor Honnors yor dayly Orator William Hollingworth of Salem in the parts of New England That whereas about Two yeares now last past yor said Orator did sell unto Hannah the Relict of Hugh Lee late of St Marys Innholder and now the wife of William Price of Charles County seuerall Goods and Merchandizes to the uallue of Three Thowsand three hundred and seauen pounds of tobacco and att the same time made unto yor said Orator a bill of her hand for the payment thereof att the tenth of Nouember then next ensueing the date of the said Bill, But now soe it is may it please yor Honnors that the said bill of three thowsand three hundred and seauen pounds of tobacco is by Casuall meanes lost And therefore albeit the said Hannah and William Price her husband haue been diuers times Gently required by your said Orator to pay unto him, the sd Three Thowsand Three hundred and seauen pounds of tobacco soe to him due, Yett that to doe they and euery of them haue hither to denyed and Refused and yet doe deney and refuse to doe the same against all Right Equity and good Conscience In due Consideracon whereof and for that yor said Orator hath noe remedy to Recouer the said three thowsand three hundred and seauen pounds of tobacco wthout the said bill by the Cothon lawes of this Prouince May it therefore please yor Hon nors to grant unto yor said Orator his Lops Gracious writt of subpã: to be directed to the saide William Price and Hannah his wife Com anding them thereby att a Certaine day and undr a Certaine Payne therein to be lymitted ptsonally to be and appeare in his Lordsps high Court of Chancery then and there to answere to the prmisses and to sett forth uppon Oath what bills or other specialtyes haue been giuen by the said Wm Price or hannah his wife during her widdowhood to the sd Willm Hollingworth what Goods or Other Merchandizes either he the said Wm Price by Order of the said Hannah his wife or the said Hannah during her widdowhood did receiue of the said Willm Hollingworth what Tobaccoes haue been paid by the said William or Hannah his wife and what rests yet undpaid And that yor Honnors will please to Order the speedy paymt of the Ballance that shall ap peare due, And your Orator shall dayly pray [p. 461] Wee whose names are here subscribed being appointed & desired by the Lord Proprietary of the Prouince of Maryland to suruey the Catch Edward Thomas Hellington mastr, Accordingly wee haue surueyed the said Catch and doe giue in Our Judgments as followeth (uizt) that if the said Catch haue three or ffowre ifuttock Riders of each side well faide and fastened and the Catch Curreen'd and the Bulge searched whether she haue any trunnells defectiue and if she |
Volume 49, Page 378 View pdf image (33K) |
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