Volume 49, Page 348 View pdf image (33K) |
348Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664-65. Liber B B tary of the prouince of Maryland and Dame Jane his wife on the one part, And Samuell Groome of Ratcliffe in the County of Midds marriner on the other part, Wittnesseth that the said Henry Sewall for and in Consideracon of the Sume of One hundred and twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to them In hand paid by the said Samuell Groome the receipt whereof the said Henry Sewall and Jane his wife doe and either of them doth hereby acknowledge and themselues to be therewth sattisfyed, and thereof and of euery part thereof doe & either of them doth Clearely acquitt and discharge the said Samuell Groome his heires Executors and Assignes by these prseflts and for diuers other good and ualuable Causes and Consid eracons them the said Henry Sewall and Jane his wife thereunto moueing haue giuen granted bargained sold enfeoffed remised re leased gratifyed and Confirmed and by these prsents doe and either of them doth grant bargaine sell enfeoffe remise release gratifye and Confirme unto the said Samuell Groome his heires and Assignes all [p. 426] that Mannor and tract of land Comonly Called And knowne by the name of the Mannor of Greate Eltonhead Containing by Estimacon ffiue thowsand acres of land or thereabouts be it more or lesse, ac cording to the first suruey thereof, taken & Registred being the first of those three surueys thereof taken scituate lying and being on the North side of Petuxent riuer & lately granted unto him the said Henry Sewall by pattent from and under the Rigt Honble Cecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietr of the prouinces of Maryland and Aualon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c Together alsoe wth all and sin guler howses Edifices buildings Barnes Stables Out howses Pastures Leasowes Woods underwoods Easements Waters Priuiledges Emol uments proffitts Comodityes heriditaments and Appurtenances what soeuer to the said Mannor and Tract of land belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith or with any parte thereof demised used occupied taken reputed or knowne as part parcell or member thereof, And all the Estate right title interest inheritance Claime and demand wtsoeuer wch they the said Henry Sewall and Jane his wife or any other person or persons to his her or theire use Cann shall or may haue or Claime of in and to the aforesaid Mannor Tract of land and premisses and euery or any parte thereof and the reuersion and reuersions remaindr and remainders Rents issues and proffitts of the said Mannor lands and Prmisses except and allwayes reserued out of this prsent Grant and Conueyance all Royall mynes quitt rents ser uices due unto the Rigt Honble Lord Baltemore and his heires for or in respect of his his or theire seigniory or seignorys and also ex cept and allwayes reserued out of this prsent Grant and Conueyance all that tenement with ffiue and twenty acres of land little more or lesse wth the appurtenances now or late in the Occupacon or posses sion of William Hambleton Jr his Assignes to haue and to hould the aforesaid Mannor & tract of land Consisting of ffiue thowsand acres of land or thereabouts according to the first suruey as aforesd |
Volume 49, Page 348 View pdf image (33K) |
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