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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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          Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664.  229

     chantable tobacco and Caske to bee paid to him his Certaine Attor Liber B B
     ney Executors Administrators or Assignes to the which payment well
     and truely to bee made Wee binde us Our heires Executors and Ad
     ministrators firmely by these prsents Signed wth our handes and
     Sealed Wth our Seales the first day of January 1663
      The Condicon of this prsent Obligacon is such that if the aboue
     named Richard Preston his heires Executors and Administrators and
     Assignes and euery of them shall & may lawfully and peaceably haue
     hold occupy possess & enjoy all those three seuerall parcells of land
     Conteining by Estimacon in the whole foure hundred and fifty acres,
     be it more or lesse scituate lying and being in Talbott County in the
     prouince of Maryland aforesaid wth all and singuler theire rights [p. 292]
     priuiledges heriditanients and appurtenances whatsoeuer thereunto
     belonging or in any wise appertaining WtnOUt the lett suite trouble
     disturbance or Contradiccon of the aboue bounden Francis Arme
     strong and Frances his wife theire heires Executors Administratrs or
     Assignes or any of them or of any other prson or prsons whatsoeuer
     hauing Claiming or pretending to haue any manner of right title
     Intrest property Claime or demand whatsoeuer of in or unto the said
     land and prmises aforesaid or of in or unto any part or parcell thereof
     by from or under the said Francis Armestrong and Frances his wife
     or any or either of them or without the lett suite trouble disturbance
     or Contradiccon of any other prson or prsons whatsoeuer Claiming
     or pretending to haue any manner of right title Intrest Challenge
     Claime or demand of in or unto the said land and prmises aforesaid
     for or by reason of any other manner of wayes or meanes what
     soeuer by them to bee had made suifred or done agst the said land
     and prmises aforesaid according to the tenor purporte effect and
     meaninge of one Indenture of Conueyance bearing date the first day
     of January aforesaide 1664 made Signed Sealed and deliuered in the
     pTsence of Francis Riggs and Richard Collett and Edward Sauage
     by the said Francis Armestrong and Francis his wife unto the said
     Richard Preston of the prmises aforesaid, as by the said Indenture
     relacon being thereunto had is it doth and may more fully appeare
     then this prsent Obligacon to bee uoyd and of noe Effect otherwise to
     be and remaine in full force and VertueSigned Sealed & deliuered          the marke of
     In the prsence of—        Francis if A Armestrong
     Richard Collett
       Francis Riggs
         Edwd Sauage
      The foregoeing Bond was acknowledged the 7th day of July 1664
     in Open Court by Francis Armestrong to Richd Preston Junr before
     the Gouernor & Councell     Daniel Jenifer Clke.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 229   View pdf image (33K)
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