Volume 49, Page 217 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. 217 Francis Riggs the Attorney of James Eluard dds writt agst Joseph Liber B B Hosley in an accon of debt uppon accompt to the uallue of 1330lb June 20th tob :— Warrt to Sherriffe of Caluert County to arrest &c ret next Pro— uinall Court 5th July next— To the Honble Gouernor and Councell in Prouinciall Court assembled [p. 279] The humble petcon of James Eluard by his Attorney Francis Riggs, Sheweth That Joseph Hosley stands endebted to yor petr upon Ballance of accompt to the uallue of I33olb tob: wch by him will not bee allowed nor Specialty pass for the paymt thereof att this next ensueing Cropp— Wherefore hee humbly Craues Order of this Honble Court that the said Joseph Hosley may Sattisfye the said accompt or giue prsent Security for paymt of the said 1330lb tob: and hee shall pray &c Att a Speciall Court called by a Speciall Warrant from the Leiue tennt Generall for the Examinacon of one Elizebeth Greene that being brought to bed of a Bastard had feloniously made it away, And held the 31th May att the howse of Robert Kingsbury in Petux cut Riuer in the County of Caluert annoq 1664— prseflt Major Thomas Brooke George Peake Thomas Leitchworth Hugh Standley Gentn Charles Brookes Tobias Norton Whereas there was informacon Giuen to Mr George Peake that One Elizebeth Greene had been brought to bed of a Bastard Childe and that she had feloniously made away wth the said Childe which being by the High Sherriffe related and made knowne to the Leiue tennt Generall there came a Speciall Ordr from the Rigt Honble Charles Caluert Esq Gouernor to call and hold this Court for the Examinacon of the said Elizebeth Greene and to sweare the seuerall wittnessés knowing any thinge in this bussiness, whereupon Grace Parker Sarah Waring Judith Sharpe Christian Ellinsworth Martha Carr Elizebeth Harwood Sampson Waring and Nic° Carr were One after the other called and seuerally Sworne as followeth (uizt) Mrs Grace Parker Examined & sworne sayth That Elizebeth Greene did deny that she had had any Child, but being pressed farther did afterwards Confess she had had a Childe and had burned it, And this deponant said sure thou hast not burnt it, thou hast buried it and the said Elizebeth Greene made answere she had buried it in a [p. 28o] swamp, and would shew it to this deponant and the rest of the women aforesaid the morrow morning And that this Deponant and the rest of the women went the next day but could finde noe Signe of any such thinge, And that then the said Elizebeth Greene did Con fesse |
Volume 49, Page 217 View pdf image (33K) |
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