Volume 49, Page 204 View pdf image (33K) |
204 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. Liber B B The Conueyance of the abouesaid parcell of land was acknowl edged and made ouer by Willm Dorington of Petuxent Merchant and Ann his Wife unto William Groome of the said place plantt to hime and his heires for euer, thus done and Assigned the 5th day of Aprill 1664 in Open Court— Daniel Jenifer Cite 1664 Aprill Came Thomas Pryer and desired the marke of his Cattle may bee Recorded which is a Swollow forke of each care and a halfe moon undr the right Eare— Came Mathew Rhodham and desired the marke of his Cattle may bee Recorded, which is a Cropp of the Right Eare and ouer keeled— [p. 265] A list of the papers sett up this Prouinall Court of those that are to depart the Prouince, And of those that Sue for Quietus Est Vppon Administracons These are to giue notice to all whom it may Concerne that Jno Price and John Boyce Administrators of the Estate of Capt Ralph Story demands Quietus Est uppon theire said Administracon, they hauing paid all what the said Estate was Appraysed att, if any one therefore cann alleadge any thinge why they should not haue their said Quietus Est granted them lett them underwrite— Nott Vnderwritt These are to Certi fye all whom it may eoneerne that I John Reed am by Gods Grace bound for England this prsent shipping if any cann Challenge any Just debt or otherwise hee is ready to make hon est payment Not underwritt Aprill 5th 1664 John Watts Sett up his name in the Court howse to signifye that hee is intended to depart this prouince— Not underwritt These may Certifye whom it may Concerne that George Holmes is intended for England this shipping if any one haue any thinge to Alleadge to the Contrary let them underwrite theire names and I shall giue them Sattisfaccon—Certifyed by the Clarke of Caluert County that no man hath underwritt Wee doe ingage Our selues to see all Debts due from George Holmes to any prson or prsons in this pruince, for wee are Confydent hee owes none excepting the passe which wee will see sattisfyed as wittnes Our handes this 20th day of Aprill 1663— Mathew Stone James Veitch These may Certifye all whom it may Concerne that Mr Samuell Withers of this Prouince hath sett up his Certifficate of his depar ture for England this shipping att the County Court att Ann Arun dell the 10th day of Nouembr 1663 Teste me Andrew Skinner Cier Coth |
Volume 49, Page 204 View pdf image (33K) |
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