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20 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663. Liber B B Raph Crouch Joynt Executor Mr Mathews to Edward Cottons pauls post Estate doe wholy relinquish all my Right & Tytle thereunto for euer hauing more to doe therein.—&c :— Raph. Crouch. Septembr 40 1662. These presents to whom it may Concerne &c: That whereas I Raph Crouch was (as it appeareth uppon the Records in Maryland) made ioyntly Executor wth Mr Thomas Mathews of an Estate of Edward Cottons, wch was left eyther for the setling of a schoole or to bee employed (as I remember) uppon other pious uses, Though Mr Pille if hee bee aliue can say, tht the true intent of the prty De ceased was, That the sume of Tob to bee payd by John Warren was to bee allowed to the upholding mee in my teaching the schoole, att that time in hand, or much to this purpose. Notwthstanding I neuer appropriated more to my selfe, as John Warren & his wife can af firme, out of tht Estate, then One Bull & one steere. If this bee thought amisse, there are Cattle of mine in the Country to repay them in kind againe. As for the managing of what stock was left by the Deceased, I would haue had them putt into John Greenwells hand att New Towne: But as Barnaby Jackson well knoweth, Mr Mathews would not consent thereto but presently tooke them to his owne plantaon. And for most of the Debts hee receiued them him selfe, Sauing what I receiued from John Warren of the Remainder of a Bill of seauen or Eight Thowsand pownds of Tob, by the ap poyntmt of Mr Mathews, who gaue mee John Warren's Bill whereby to call for the Debt, Part of wch was bestowed by mee on such as really was iudged by others as well as my selfe to haue releife, & soe deemed an Act of Charity. That wch remayned, I bought Cattle of John Warren att New Towne & Ordered they should bee marked wth Edward Cotton's proper marke & to bee reserued in his hands for some yeares, Of the ch stock hee is best able to giue a sufficient accompt of them to any that shall demand it. And for my part I wholly disclaime from euer hauing had any just account deliuered to mee by Mr Mathewes eyther of what hee had payd for tht Estate or receiued. To the best of my remembrance I layd out of that Estate in John Warrens hand to the ualue of flueteene or sixteene hundd pownds of Tob for Peter Eun's dyett & schooling, washing and [p. 21] cloathing, One hundd or thereabouts for Cheese for Mr Reynolds & his wife, both att tht time in greate wants, as John Warren & his wife well knew. There was gyuen to Mr Brettons sonne & Daughter an almes they being in Extremity of wants. The rest appeareth in Cattle I doubt not yett extant in John Warrens hand att New Towne, to bee deliuered by him uppon demand. I affirme boldly allsoe that on my part I did (as appeared to all the neighbors) as much as lay in mee, fullfill the will of the Deceased, in remoueing my teaching of schoole to the New Towne: & there was ready some yeares to |
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