Volume 49, Page 180 View pdf image (33K) |
180Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. Liber B B County of Northfolke in England Esq haue remised Released and for euer quitt claimed and by these prsents doe for us Our Executors and Administrators and euery of Vs Clearely and Absolutely remise release and for euer quitt claime unto John Abington of Maryland Gentn his Executors and Assignes, All and all manner of accons Causes of accons Suites Quarrills debts dutyes bonds bills writeings Obligacons Reckonnings accompts & demands whatsoeuer which against the said John Abington Euer the sd Thomas Cornewallice haue had may haue or which his Executors or Administrators or any of them att any time hereafter shall or may haue for or by reason or meanes of any matter Cause or thing whatsoeuer from the begin ning of the world untill the day of the date of these prseflts Wittnes our hands and Scales this 4th day of February 1663— Signed Sealed and deliuered Josias Fendall Seale In the prsence of Vs— Henry Meese Seale William Riston Robert Slye Seale the marke of Morgin Jones the marke of Nathaniell N Rudd William Calucrt Thomas Gerrard Know all men by these prsents that I James Jolly of St Marys County Inn holder haue nominated Constituted Ordeined and ap pointed and by these prsents doe nominate Constitute Ordeine and appoint Abraham Wattson of the aforesaid County to buy take and receiue all such licquors as hee the said Abraham Wattson shall thinke good and saylable for the sd Jam : Jolly further I the said James Jolly doe Ordaine the saide Abraham Wattson for mee and in my name to order & dispose of what debt or debts are due to mee In wittnes whereof I haue hereunto sett my hand— Subscribed in the marke of the presence of Vs James Jolly the marke Wm Price Phenias White [p. 240] To all to whome these prsents shall come I Charles James of Lon don Merchant send Greeting whereas Cãcilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the prouince of Maryland by letters pattents undr the Greate Seale of the said prouince bearing date the twentyth day of February In the yeare of Our Lord One thowsand Six hundred ffiffty and nine did Grant to George Goldsmyth of the Same prouince plantr and his heires a parcell of land Called Georgston lying on the East side of Chesepiake bay as by the sd pattent relacon being thereunto |
Volume 49, Page 180 View pdf image (33K) |
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