Volume 49, Page 174 View pdf image (33K) |
174 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. Liber B B for which Yor petr humbly craueth yor Honnors to grant him an Ordr Cost & Charge of Suite And hee shall as in duty bound euer pray uide folio Robert Chysick dds writt agst George Beckworth in an accon of 262 the Case— Warrt to Sherriffe of Caluert County to arrest &c retur next pro uinciall Court 5th Aprill next Summons in ditto Causo to warne Geo: Phillips and Joseph Hosley rd ut Supra— Robert Chysick plaintiffe George Beckwith defendt Sheweth That whereas George Bickwith did Condicon wth your petr for three men Seruants and One woman Seruant to make a Cropp and the said Bickwith to finde howsing and dyet and other [p. 233] necessary thinges For the Seruants and yor petrs accomodacons yor petr hath performed his Condicons in making of a Crop and yor petr was engaged Condicon to pay unto the said Beckwithe Eleauen thowsand flue hundred pounds of tobaccoe & Caske upon his plan tacon this winter yor petr is ready to prforme his Condicon & Con trary to the Condicon the said Beckwith hath disposed of yor petrs Crop of tobaccoe & Seauenty barrills of Come that was wholy due to yor petr and the sd Beckwith will not come to noe accompt but hath depriued yor petr of his whole Liuelyhood both of Corne & tobaccoe that yor petr is a greate Sufferer— Now the humble request of yor Petr is that this honble Court bee pleased to Order the said Beckwith to returne the whole Cropp of Come and tobaccoe Cost of suite and yor petr as bound in duty shall euer pray George Read dds writt against Mary Bateman the Executrix of John Bateman Esqr deceased in an accon of the Case to the uallue of 1200lb tob:— uide folio Warrant to Sherriffe Caluert County to arrest &c rd next prouin 261 ciall Court 5th day Aprill next George Read plaintiffe Mary Bateman the Executrix of John Bateman defendant The plaintiffe Sues the defendt in an accon of the Case for that the plaintiffe Sometime in Octobr last sold the defendts then hus band two steeres which was deliuered his Ouerseer Rob: Perry for the use of the said Bateman, in Consideracon whereof the said Bate man was to pay unto the plaintiffe the suth of twelue hundred pounds of tobaccoe which is refused by the defendt without Ordr first ob tained from this Honblee Court the which hee humbly Craueth wth Cost of Suite And as in duty bound hee shall pray &c— |
Volume 49, Page 174 View pdf image (33K) |
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