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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. 171 Know all men by these prsents that I william Browne being in- Liber B B tended to marry wth Elizebeth Darnell doe before my manryage ac- March 14th knowledge that then is a black heifer of two yeares old or thereabouts and another red heifer three yeares old and gneate wth Calfe both the which heifems I doe acknowledge to bee my daughter in lawes and doe intend to record them in her name they being of her fathers marke the Girles name being Elizebeth Chemoone— Wittnes my hand Wm Browne Francis Anketill Jno Hunt his B marke his marke January 30th 1663 This day came Reymond Staplefort of Petuxent in the prouince uide folio of Maryland memcht and doth acknowledge that hee hath receaued Sattisfaccon from John Tucker as Concerning a Judgment passed against the said Tucker in the behalfe of the said Staplefort the Last Prouinciall Court for 3I7Olb tob: alleadging how that all bussinesses concerning the Same are aliready Compounded betwixt them— Raymund Staplefort John Nuthall ills writt agst Thomas Dent in an accOn of debt to [p. 230] the uallew of 4279lb tob: March 19th Warmt to Shermiffe of St Marys County to arrest &c metü: next Pro uinciall Court 5th Aprill next Summons to ditto Sheriffe to warne Wm Hatton & Wm Price in ditto Causo ret. ut Supra— To the honble Gouernor & Councell of the Prouince of Maryland— The humble petcon of Jno Nuthall, Sheweth That Thomas Dent did uppon the 12th day of Sept 1663 assume upon himself e to pay yor petr his heimes or Assignes on or before the last day of Octobr 1663 the full & Just Sum of ffowre thowsand two hundred Seauenty & nine pounds of good & Legall tobaccoe wth Caske uide folio att One entire paymt att Some Conuenient place in the County of 251 St Marys, as by his Specialty will appeare which said Suth of 4279th tob: the sd Thomas Dent hath not paid but makes delayes therein to yor Petrs greate damage. Wherefore hee prayeth Ordr of this Honble Count for Speedy paymt therein according to the tenor of the Said Specialty Costs & dathages—And as in duty bound hee shall pray &c March 19th 1663 By Ventue of a Commission to vs Henry Adams & Thomas Mathews of Charles County Gentn to take the deposition of Richard Wattson directed from Philip Caluert Esq bearing date the 13th |
Volume 49, Page 171 View pdf image (33K) |
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