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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. 143

     To the honble the Gouernor & Councell.       Liber B B
       The humble Petn of the Jury Sheweth.
       That whereas wee haue beene detayned here euer since yesterday att
     noone, to the lett & hinderance of our goeing about our owne busines
     Wee therefore humbly beseech & intreate this Honble Court to graunt
     us order agst the party Cast in the suite 360£ Tob. & Cask, towards
     our expences & wee shall pray &c:
       Vppon this Petn, ordered That each man of the Jury bee allowed by
     the party Cast in this suite Thirty pownds of Tob, wch comes in the
     whole to Three hundd & sixty pownds of Tob.
       Then the Jury deliuered in their Verdict (Vizt) Wee find the man
     tendred by the deft, for the use of the plf, a Likelye man seruant to
     outward appearance.
       Ordered thereuppon tht the plf bee nonsuited, & pay Costs of suite
     & Dammages susteyned.

     Hond Sr                                      [p. 194]
       I haue thought good to recommend unto yor honr a few lines con
     cerning the Estate of the Orphan of Tho: Belcher, as being formerly
     by order of Court in some sort intrusted wth the ouersight thereof,
     And being att prnt disabled by urgent occasion tht I could not pre
     sent my selfe att this Court. Soe that my humble request is, in the
     behalfe of the Orphan, tht since Mr Bateman is now deceased, who
     hath formerly had the disposing of this sd Orphans Estate, & hath
     not in his life time gyuen up any account thereof to the Court, That
     yor honr would bee pleased together wth the rest of this honble Court
     That noe order may bee graunted agst the Estate of Mr Bateman,
     untill there is an account of the sd orphans Estate. Otherwise tht
     there such care taken tht the Orphan may nott bee a sufferer in her
     iust right. I haue formerly acquainted the Chancelor herewth & dowbt
     not but in soe laudable an accon as this is, wch is tending only for
     the good, & the securing of the Orphans Estate, that her ffather left
     to her, tht shee may not bee a sufferer herein. Not els but rest, yor
     honrs faythfull serut.To command to his power
     ffeb. 5, 1663.                Tho: Sprigge.
     ffor the honble the Leiut
       GraIl of Maryland.
          these prsent

       Know all men by these prnts tht I Mary Bateman Exequtx of
     John Batemen Esqr deceased, haue nominated constituted & appoynted
     my trusty freind Capt Thomas Manning my true & law full Attorney
     for mee & in my name, to aske, sue for, Leauy, Requyre, Recouer &
     Receaue of all & euery prson or prsons whatsoeur all & euery such

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 143   View pdf image (33K)
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