Volume 49, Page 140 View pdf image (33K) |
140Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. Liber B B Know all men by these prnts tht wee Richard Cullemore & Symon Boyer mariners doe hereby Constitute & ordaine & appoynt for us & in our names our Louing ffreind Daniel Jenifer to sue impleade & recouer all such Debt or debts as shall bee due unto us, & for default of non paymt to impleade or imprison any from whom such Debts shall bee due, & this to bee in as full force, as if wee ourselues were present. As wittnes our hands & Seales this 19th day of January 166¾ Seale Wittnes ffrancis Jackson, The marke of R Rich: Cullemore Hen: Hudson/ Seale The marke of S Symon Boyer Richard Collemore plf. The Plf sueth as in the Pet” fol. 141. Raymond Stapleford deft The deft Denyeth tht hee turned the plf on Shoare. Vid fol. 141. Thomas Sewall aged 29 years or thereabouts Sworne Sayth That [r. 190 about 3 weekes or more since Raymond Staplefort did uppon a Sun day bid Rich: Cullemore & Symon Boyer goe on shoare they belong ing as Seafarers to the Vessell of wth the sd Raymond Stapleford was mercht, By reason they would not goe in the Boate wth him uppon tht Sunday to rowe him up the Riuer Likewise denying him their wages what was due unto them, Saying, If they would not doe his worke they should not haue uictualls or wages from him, & further hee sayth not. Thomas Seywell. Jurat Coram me Willm Bretton/ Rich: Cullemore plf The plf sueth as in his Petn. The Deft, Raymond Staple fort deft denyeth tht euer hee turned the deft on Vid. fol. 141. shoare. And by the Oath of Thomas Sewell tht Mr Staplefort bid the plf goe on shoare, for tht hee denyed to rowe the deft up the Riuer. Besides the deft sayth tht hee was not Master of the Vessell, & therefore could not force or compell the plf to goe on shoare/ Ordered that this Cause bee Respited ‘till next Prouinciall Court. Symon Boyer plfThis Cause being of the same manner, & Raymond Staplford deft forme wth the former, Ordered tht this Cause allsoe be Respited ‘till next Prouinciall Court. Ordered Likewise that ffrances Brookes the Relict of Michael Brookes in St Leonards Creeke in Caluert County haue If es of Ad mistraon graunted her, on the Estate of her late husband Michael Brookes Deceased. ffrancis Gumby plf The plf sueth as in his Pet” entred fol. 144, Rich: Deauer deft f for wages, apparell &c: Vid. fol. 144. In this Cause Willm Jennings aged 25 yeares or thereabouts de 252 posed & sworne in open Court Sayth, That ffrancis Gumby had an |
Volume 49, Page 140 View pdf image (33K) |
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