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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 107   View pdf image (33K)
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         Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. 107

       Alexander ffrizell aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne on the Liber B B
      day & yeare aboue written to the premises abouesd as the other Depont
      Edward ifuller did depose. The mrk of Alex: ffrizell
        Willm Middleton aged 20 yeares & upwards sworne on the day &
      yeare aboue written to the abouesd premises as the other depont
      Edward ffuller & Alexander ffrizell. All wch was sworne on the day
      & yeare aboue written The mrk of Willm Middleton
        Before mee
           Henry Sewall Sect.

        John Euans dds writt agst Thomas Billingsly to chew cause why
      the sd John Enens should not admister uppon the Estate of James
      Billingsley att the next Prouinciall Court.
        Writt Exiuit. Ret ut supra.
        Summons att the request of Thomas Billingsley for ffrancis Gill
      & Grace the wife of Willm Parker to testify in ditt. Ret. utt supra
      next Prou: Court.

        Willm Singleton (by his Attorney Richard Collett gentn) dds
      wart agst Richard Bayley Accon Debt to the ualue of 3900t Tob.
      & cask
        Wart to sheriffe Caluert County to arrest &c: Ret next Prou:
      Court 90 ffeb. ut supra.
      To the honble the Gouernor & Councell in the Prouinciall Court sitting.
        The humble Petn of Willm Singleton by his Attorney Richard [p. ‘491
      Collett Sheweth
        That Richard Bayley stands indebted unto yor Pet” by Bill in the
      sume of 3700t Tob & upwards, Besides the one halfe of a serut, wch
      yor Petr hath allready payd & disbursed, as by a noate under the sd
      Bayleys hand to tht end may appeare.
        Now soe it is tht yor Petr hauing demanded his sd Tob. the sd
      Bayley denyeth paymt thereof, as allso the price or halfe of the ser
      uant, wch yor Petr offered to the sd Bayley att a Certaine Rate, eyther
      to Leaue or take, wch is allso denyed by the sd Bayley, Hee still mak
      ing use of the serut to his owne proper benifitt & pleasure
        Wherefore yor Petr humbly prayeth Judgmt of this hoble Court
      for his foresd Debt & demand. And hee shall pray &c:

        Symon Carpenter dds writt agst Mary Bateman Executrix of
      John Bateman Esqj Deceased in an accon of Debt, to the ualue of
      63t 16s 9d sterl. & 4388t Tob.
        Wart to sheriffe Caluert County to arrest &c: Ret next Prou:
      Court 90 ffeb. Ut supra.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 107   View pdf image (33K)
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