Volume 49, Page 104 View pdf image (33K) |
104 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1663-64. Liber B B were made between tW sd Deauer & yor Pet” orignally att Bristoll aforesd, what tearmes yo” sd Pet” was finally sould uppon to the sd George Beckwith, hee hauing fraudulently taken away his Condicon under Deauers hand aforesd, & lastly tht uppon the meritts of his cause, yow will bee pleased to decree tht hee may haue his sd allow ance of the third part of his Labour, & Two suites of good Cloath, & 4 shirts. And yor Pet” shall (as in duty bownd) pray &c: According to this Petn in Chancery, summons issued to Richard Deauer, Willm Jennings, George Beckwith, Henry Sewall Escp & Thomas Vrtnell to testify in ditt. January 28th Pope Aluey as Admistrator to John Hammond dds writt agst Vid. foh. 39. Thomas Winne the successo” of Richard Willan in accon of Case. This writ though though entered agst Wart to sheriffe St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. next Prou: Court 90 ffeb. Tho. Wyn, was directed agst Esebeth To the Right honble Charles Caluert Escp Leiut GraIl of the Prouince the wife of Rich Wilson of Maryland, & the honble Councell The humble Pet” of Pope Aluey humbly Sheweth yor honES Vid fol. 199 That whereas yor Pet” can by noe wayes perfectly understand, what is due unto him out of the accts (as Admistrator of his Prede cesso” John Hammond) betweene Richard Willan deceased & the sd Hammond in respect the papers were all sealed up & detayned tht concerned the publike busines, In web it is well knowne tht tW sd Hammond was noe wayes neglectfull, But tW greatest burthen lay uppon his shoulders, And by Conditionall Contract was to haue halfe the profltt some few things excepted. The p”mises considered yo” Pet” humbly craueth in respect Thomas Winne the successor of the abouesd Richard Willan denies any satisfaction but what is recouered by Law, That the writings may bee produced, & what is iustly yor Petrs due may bee graunted him wth Costs of suite And yor Pet” shall euer pray &c: Pope Aluey as Administrator to John Hammond dds writt agst John Lumbrozo in an accon of Debt to the ualue of 3500k Tob. Wart to sheriffe Charles County to arrest &c: Ret next Prou: Court, 9° ffeb. next To the honble Charles Caluert Esqr Gour &c: & his honble Councell. The humble Petn of Pope Aluey humbly Sheweth Vid. foh. 199. That whereas John Lumbrozo stands indebted to yo” Pet” (as Admistrator of John Hammond) by Bill the sume of Three Thowsd ffiue hundd pownds of Tob. & cask to bee payd att three seuerall pay ments: the first paymt being now due, as appeares by his Bill, Yor Pet” humbly craueth order for his first & security for the Remainder wth Costs of suite. And yor Pet” shall euer pray &c: |
Volume 49, Page 104 View pdf image (33K) |
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