Sea Bell, see Vessels.
Seabrook, Richard, 486.
Seamen, 27, 252, 255, 384.
Sears, John, 93; William, 298.
Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
195, 198, 330, 335, 407.
Secretary at War, 122, 180, 256,
270, 291, 293, 302, 319, 336,
337, 345, 368, 457.
Sefton, John, 420.
Seimen, Paul, 334.
Seizure of Provisions, 36.
Selby, James, 46, 488, 504;
James (Sinept.), 318; Jesse,
323; John, 46, 282, 318, 488;
Joseph, 504; Parker, 282;
William, 98, 281, 285.
Select Militia, see Militia.
Sellman (Selman), John, 10;
Jonathan, 254.
Seminaries of Learning, 409.
Semmes, Thomas, 128.
Senate clerk, 83, 159, 433, 488.
Seney, John, 9, 32, 53, 151, 159;
Joshua, 53.
Severn Battalion, 288.
Severn River, ,426; magazine at
head of, 8.
Sewall (Sewell), Clement, 45,
341, 516, 527; Henry, 153!
James, 479; Nicholas, 153,
209, 286; Nicholas Levin, 209 ;
Nicholas Lewis, 5, 501.
Shaaff, Casper, 434.
Shade, Jacob, 252.
Shadrick, John, 251.
Shanahan, John, 417.
Shankle, Lawrence, 175.
Shanks, John, 22, 44, 96, 160,
223, 325, 371, 461, 50i; Jo-
seph, 189.
Shanks' Company, 160.
Sharpe, —— , 114.
Sharpsburgh, 524.
Sharp's Island, 106.
Shaw, —— , 23, 73, 142, 151,
177, 206, 255, 270, 309, 315,
320, 346, 348, 357, 358, 371,
382, 397, 413, 426, 427; Jacob,
139; James, 46, 181, 187;
John, 25, 31, 42, 67, 77, 176,
177, 189, 219, 229, 240, 246,
254, 263, 265, 271, 290, 325,
360, 405, 411, 449, 463, 478;
Joseph, 321.
Shean, James, 8.
Sheckle, Richard, 432.
Shee, Burtles, 128.
Sheep, 466.
Sheilor (Sheiler), Daniel, 55,
124, 3".
Shelby, John, 149.
Shellman, John, 34, 54, 99, 139;
John, Jr., 432.
Shepherd, Francis, 60; John, n,
123; Peter, 44, 210, 341, 383,
Sheredine, Upton, 45, 307, 344,
503, 540.
Sheriffs, vii, 42, 61, 81, 151, 215,
223, 236, 237, 248, 285, 286,
287, 288, 290, 292, 294, 295,
296, 301, 307, 401, 476, 5i6,
538, 540.
Sherwood, Charles, 194; Hugh,
Jr., 46, 141; Thomas, 415.
Shields, John, 139, 228.
Sniffer, John, 178.
Shine, Adam, 7.
Shipping and Registers, 408.
Ships, see Vessels.
Ship's Head, 358.
Ship's papers, 422.
Shirts, 77, 263, 376, 403.
Shockley, Elijah, 152; 182;
Jonathan, n.
Shoemaker, John, 311; Joseph,
Shoes, 6, 8, 27, 30, 33, 77, 271,
273, 293, 297, 335, 344, 376,
Shores of Bay, 131, 269, 366,
Shorts, see Bran and Shorts.
Shot, 142, 151.
Gluivci. DaviU, lij, 154, 480.
Shryer, David, 7.
Shryock, Henry, 46, 307.
Shugars, Martin, 102.
Shuttleworth, Dr., 359; John,
Sibell, Henry, 291.
Siemon & Company, Paul, 170.
Silk, James, 235; Samuel, 106,
Simmon, John, 222.
Simmons (Simmonds, Simons)
—— , 147; Isaac, 195; Mau-
rice, 91, 92, 93, 94, 354, 355,
356; Solomon, 141; Thomas,
.144, 145-
Sinepuxent, 46, 488, 504.
Sinepuxent Battalion, see Mi-
Sinking funds, 363.
Sinn, Philip, 139.
Skelly, John, n.
Skerrett, Clement, 199.
Skinner, Capt. 16; Abraham,
188, 192, 241, 245, 262; James
John, 90; John, 456, 461.
Skinner's Company, 16.
Slack, Ann, 5; Henry, 5.
Slade, William, 217.
Slater, Jonathan, 475.
Sligh, Clare, 461.
Sloop, see Vessels.
Sloss, Thomas, 418.
Sly, William, 92.
Slye, Miss Willey, 436.
Small, Charlotte, 428.
Smallpox, see Diseases.
Smallwood, —— (William?),
196; Gen., 41, 43, 49, 51, 59,
65, 68, 73, 74, 78, 79, 81, 84,
86, 87, 89, 96, 97, 116, 117,
123, 125, 138, 140, 144, 146,
'Si, 153, 154, .155, 164, 180,
183, 185, 187, 189, 199, 204,
207, 224, 230, 246, 252, 271,
273, 327, 328, 333, 339, 343,
350, 413, 488; Maj. Gen., 275,
276, 283, 285, 200, 293, 322,
326; John, 398; William, 66.
Smith, Col-, 299; Alexander,
141; Alexander H., 342, 502;
Alexander Lawson, 145 ;
Aquila, 298; Charles, 7;
Charles S., 202; Daniel, 121,
342; Edward, 267; Eleanor,
267, 347; Emory, 17; Ezekiel,
28; Ignatius, 104; Jacob, 175;
James, 120, 220, 222, 284;
John, n, 28, ss, 57, 105, 143,
179, 187, 195, 208, 209, 287,
411, 415, 400; John H., 201;
Jonathan, 207; Joseph, 12;
Joshua, 416; Lodowick, 272;
Matthew, 402; Michael, 469;
Nathan, 11, 140; Nathaniel,
196, 308, 310, 312, 343, 368,
501; Pat. S., 200; Patrick S.,
288; Patrick Sim, 22, 24, 43,
47; Peter, 201. 286: Philio.
124; Richard, 46, 101, 187,
341, 421, 502; Robert, 108,
180, 181, 255, 284, 342; Robert
John, 75; Samuel, 23, 25, 26,
43, 5o, 62, 63, 70, 76, 78, 79,
200, 299, 315, 320, 362, 367,
403, 419, 421, 428; Thomas,
4, 154, 320, 420; Thorough-
good, 90, 390; Valentine, 368 ;
Walt., 30; Walter, 39, 43,
290, 342, 502; William, n,
27, 45, 46, 67, 96, 105, 139,
290, 342, 491, 502.
Smith & Company, Robert, 312.
Smith Company, William, 284.
Smithson, William, 45, 331, 453,
465, 466, 467, 469, 504.
Smoot, Edward, 321; James,
201; John, 46, 535; John, Jr.,
250; Matthew, 17, in; Wil-
liam Barton, 128, 222; Wil-
liby, 195-
Smyth, Emory, 161; Thomas,
191, 331-
Snider, George, 153.
Snowden, Ned, 10, 164.
Snow Hill, 226, 227, 228.
Snyder, Paul, 256, 270, 291,
302; William, 380.
Soap, 183.
Soldiers, see Maryland Regi-
ments; Militia; Troops;
Wounded, disabled, and sick
soldiers, etc.
Soldiers Delight Battalion, see
Soldiers' wives, 150.
Sellers (Sollars), , 337;
James M., 165, 166; Thomas,
44, 62, 63, 69, 76, 170, 210;
William, 73.