Abell, Capt., 153, 154; Edward,
418; John, 193; John Horn,
152; Samuel, Jr., 287.
Accomack Co. (Va.), 337.
Accounts, Intendant, 244; offi-
cers and soldiers, 69, 71, 108;
State, 203, 394, 479.
Accoutrements, see Arms and
Ackman, Thomas, 123.
Actors, see Comedians.
Adams, —— , 275; Elizabeth,
93; Francis, 463; George, 36,
57, 6o, 107, 454; Ignatius, 109,
no; John, 379, 509, 513;
Joseph, 421; Josias, 454;
Moses, 108; Rhody, 454;
William, 108, 205, 216, 368,
Addison, Anthony, 259, 383, 544 ;
Henry, 259, 383, 434, 530, 538,
539, 54T; John, 517.
Adlum, John, 45, 153.
Admiralty Court, see Courts.
Adventure, see Vessels.
Agents, 283, 425, 426, 428, 431,
442, 444.
Airy, Thomas Hill, 46.
Aisquith, George, 167, 262;
William, 476.
Alert, see Vessels.
Alexander, Arthur, 38; Charles,
90; John, 219, 229; Mark,
441; Robert, 372, 374, 418, 476,
Alexandria (Va.), 20, 37, 48, 49,
Allein, William, 39.
Allen, John, 478; Joseph, 125,
164; Solomon, 491; Thomas,
209; William, 43, 129;
William Davis, 424; Zacha-
riah, 371.
Allender, —— , 465, 466, 467,
468; Perry, 10, 169.
Allison, Thomas, 22, 104.
Allsop, John, 147; Joseph, 203.
Alphin, see Vessels.
Alsey, William, 88.
Alsop, John, 123.
Alsy, William, 10.
Alvey, Joseph, 155.
Ambassador, 426.
America, 442, 444.
Ammunition, see Arms, Ammu-
nition, etc.
Amos, Mordecai, 45, 331, 453,
465, 467; Robert, 45, 331, 5O4-
Amsterdam, 444.
Anchor, 229.
Anderson, Bennett, 10, 285;
James, 17, 151; James, Jr.,
494; John, 14; Robert, 299,
Anderten, John, 130.
Andrew, Beatchum, 27; Brom-
well, 27; James, 27; Jeremiah,
27; Nehemiah, 27.
Andrews, Richard, 28.
Angus, John, 334.
Annapolis, 13, 15, 16, 26, 30, 57,
94, 137, 139, 155, 160, 180, 192,
196, 197, 198, 200, 215, 217,
241, 246, 296, 298, 335, 347,
349, 357, 360, 369, 400, 401,
413, 426, 439, 447, 456, 507.
Anne Arundel County, 7, I o, n,
17, 19, 44, 66, 68, 78, 83, 112,
204, 234, 248, 249, 265, 276, 285,
288, 307, 320, 322, 323, 347,
405, 447, 485, 500, 506, 5IS,
520, 521, 522.
Antelope, see Vessels.
Anthony, John, 10, 192.
Apalachicola River, 511.
Apothecary, 106.
Appeals Court, see Courts.
Applegate, Robert, 274.
Apprentices, drafting of, 144,
145, 147, 224.
Arbor, John, n.
Arbough, John, 121.
Archer, John, 45, 331, 504.
Archives, 208, 512; records,
deeds, and papers, restoration
by British, 512.
Ark, see Vessels.
Armand, —— , 31; Col., 64 88,
Armand's Corps, 31, 64.
Armed Vessels, see Vessels.
Armourer, 5, 6, 8, 25, 73, in,
116, 142, 151, 176, 185, 255,
264, 265, 325, 335, 360, 405,
Arms, Accoutrements and Am-
munition, 5, 16, 21, 59, 92, in,
116, 122, 176, 177, 180, 226,
265, 357, 358, 364 365, 368,
384,^586, 387, 460, 478; see
also Cannon; Cartridge boxes ;
Cartridges; Cutlasses; Guns;
Muskets; etc.
Armstrong, John, 479; Robert,
44, 152, 479-
Army, distress and sufferings of,
33, 207, 407; support by Con-
gress, 212, 202, 293; support
by state, 321.
Army officer, eligible as Naval
officer, 338.
Arnold, John, 196; Rebecca, 518,
Artillery, 13, 84, 94, 148, 196,
299, 378; Maryland, 25, 38,
39, 84, 104, 174; see also
Brown's Artillery; Dorsey's
Ashmead, Joseph, 104, 139, 206.
Assault and battery, 505, 542.
Atchison, William, 312.
Atlantic Ocean, 510, 511.
Attorney General, 63, 69, 70, 73,
234, 386, 517; see also Martin,
Atwell, Joseph, 147.
Atwood, Charles, 228; James,
Auber, Catharine, 256.
Audacieux, I' (Audacious), see
Auditor, 449, 526, 538, 549.
Auditor General, passim; Dep-
uty Auditor, passim; see also
Gassaway, Thomas; Turner,
Austin, Elizabeth, 347; Harris,
Axes, 116, 271.
Ayres, Henry, 281.
Backley, Elizabeth, 347.
Baggage transportation, 183, 217,
218, 456.
Bagues (Baguess, Baques, Ba-
quess), Capt., 148, 149, 151,
413; Jacques, 163; James, 38,
89; John Jacques, 84.
Bailey (Baily, Bayley, Bayly),
Maj., 16, 23, 33, 72, 73, 121,
140, 165, 204; Elexis, 65 ;
Elias, 466; Mountjoy (Mont-
joy), 34, 95, 102, 103, 165,
265, 477; Thomas, 169;
William, 2, 30, 52, 222, 447,
Baize, 384.
Baker, Lieut., 384; Francis, 161 ;
Frederick, 253; Gabriel, 350;
George, 229, 252; Henry, 383,
417; Jeremiah, 46, 341; Joel,
140; John, 29, 204, 250;
Nathan, 10, 332; William, 173,
205, 393, 447, 485-
Balderson, Isaiah, 466.
Baldwin, James, 171, 366;
Samuel, 10, 214; Thomas, 152.
Ball, John, 80, 130, 205; Pris-
cilla, g.
Ballard, George, 216; Robert,
357; Sarah, 440.
Balt, Robossom, 405.