against the Demand of the Offended State within whose Limits and
Jurisdiction the Offence was committed then it lies in the Power of
this State and any other to defeat when it pleases the whole Object
and Policy of the Confederation: there needs only a general Law
comprehending all Offences done in a Neighbouring State and mak-
ing them cognizable here. But Surely nothing could have a more
pernicious Tendancy than a Doctrine of this nature : and nothing
could be more compleatly calculated to create Contention Jealousy
and Animosities between the States : for the State within whose Lim-
its the Offence was committed would never suffer it's Jurisdiction to
be ousted by such a Political Manuevre.
When I requested your Honors to have Mr Carbury arrested and
conveyed to the Limits of this State there to be delivered up I did
not mean to Affirm that the Power to deliver up lay with you : I only
meant to obtain the Assistance of your Officers in conveying him to
the Limits : When there I should have ordered him to be delivered up.
Upon the whole it is my Opinion that when Mr Carbury was
charged before the Judges with Offences done in Pennsylvania within
the description of Offences stated and defined by the Confederation,
they ought to have issued their Warrant for his Arrest, and on that
Liber No. 78
p. 467