Council of Maryland, 1783-1784. 505
whole of the Property of the said Lemuel Johnson was Assessed only
to the Sum of Three hundred and forty eight pounds Current Money,
and the Situation of his Family as represented in said Petition they
are of Opinion that the said fine is excessive, and ought to be partly
remitted, and do accordingly remit the whole of the said fine except
the Sum of Fifteen pounds current money. —
The Council adjourned 'till to morrow Morning 11 oClock. —
January 12
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 477
[Wm Paca, Council, Annapolis, to The Intendant.]
The Law enabling the Orphans Courts to draw on the Treasurer
for the Support of disabled & maimed Soldiers does not answer the
End intended for those unhappy Persons. They are obliged to come
to this place for the money, and frequently it is not in the Treasury,
and when it is paid to them in Consequence of the Orders they ob-
tain, they are obliged to expend the whole of it to defray Expences
unavoidably incurred in coming to and returning from this City. We
are induced for those reasons, & to Alleviate their Distresses, to
recommend to you to direct the Collectors to take up the Orders of
the Orphans Courts drawn on the Treasurer for the purpose above-
mentioned We are &ca
January 12
Liber No. 78
p. 457
Tuesday 13th January 1784.
The Council met
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
The Honorable G Duvall, Jno H. Stone, Jno Davidson & Chs Wal-
lace Esquires —
The Board taking into Consideration the Case of Stephen Golds-
bury of St Marys County who was committed to the Jail of the
County, under a forfeited Recognizance for the Sum of ten pounds
current Money; and the said Stephen Goldsbury being represented
by several of the Justices of St Marys County aforesaid as very ig-
norant and poor and totally unable to pay the said forfeiture, are of
Opinion the forfeiture aforesaid be remitted and do remit the same
accordingly. —
January 13
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 477
A Petition from John Cockey Owings of Baltimore County was
received and read, setting forth that he had been presented in Balti-
more County Court for an Assault on a certain John Baxley, upon
which Presentment he submitted and was fined on the Evidence of
the said Baxley, the Sum of One hundred Pounds of the new State
currency : that the said John Baxley afterwards brought Suit against
him for Damages and was Nonsuited, it appearing on the trial that no
assault had been committed on the said John Baxley, and therefore
praying for a Remission of the said Fine : and thereupon the Board
p. 478