478 Journal and Correspondence.
November 4
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 459
est on a Certificate issued to Cassandra Ducker under the "Act to
adjust the Debts due from this State " issued 6th September 1781,
Number 152 and also four pounds, three shillings and six pence, half
penny for One Year's Interest on a Certificate issued to himself
under said Act 19 July 1781 Number 12. —
That the said Treasurer pay to the Honble Benjamin Nicholson
Esqr Judge of the Court of Admiralty Three hundred and fifty
pounds for two Year's Salary ending the 1st Instant
November 7
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 459
Friday 7th November 1783.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
The Honorable Benja Stoddert, Gab. Duvall & James Brice
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Doctr Charles
Frederick Wiesenthall ninety two pounds, twelve shillings current
money for One Year's Interest on a Certa issued under the "Act to
adjust the Debts &ca " issued 28 July 1781, No 43 —
That the said Treasurer pay to Humphry Pugh Fifteen pounds —
Bainard O Neil and William Deakins Junr Sixty five pounds, six
shillings and six pence and to Colo Thomas Sprigg Sixty eight
pounds, eight shillings specie agreeably to the "Act to adjust the
Debts due from this State " per Accounts & Certificates adjusted &
passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson Junior Sixty two
pounds, ten shillings Current Money for One Quarter's Salary end-
ing the first Instant
p. 460
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer issue a Certificate to
Benjamin Bird agreeably to the "Act proposing the Citizens of this
State, Creditors of Congress &ca " for Eighteen pounds, eighteen
shillings and three pence due on Continental Loan Office Certs ad-
justed by the Auditor General 6th Instant.
That the said Treasurer issue a Certificate to John Allen agreeably
to the Act aforesaid for Thirteen pounds, nine shillings and four
pence due on Contl Loan Office Certificates adjusted by the Audr
General the ad Instant
November 7
Liber No. 78
p. 453
[Wm Paca in Council to Captn George p. Keeports.]
You will be pleased to have the Arms and Military Stores, under
your Care in the Market House, forwarded by Water to this Place
where they are to be delivered to Mr John Shaw. If you have any
Powder in your Possession, it may be delivered to Mr Towson pro-
vided he has still a Magazine under his Care, otherwise it may be sent
down to this Place