Council of Maryland, 1782-1783. 375
with our Pleasure, with Regard to the Things he is to purchase and
distribute among the Prisoners. We cannot but be obliged by any
Civilities or Indulgences conferred on our Captive Citizens, and shall
consider ourselves bound in Gratitude to exercise the like Humanity
towards such of your People as the Chance of War may put in our
Hands. Captn Cox in his Flag, takes with him three Prisoners; and
such others as we may have within our Reach shall be sent by Captn
Belt, who will sail in a Week.
March 4
Liber No. 78
p. 425
Wednesday 5th March 1783
Present Benja Stoddert, Jas Brice & John H. Stone Esqr
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay Daniel of Saint
Thos Jenifer Esqr two thousand four hundred & seventy eight pounds,
three shillings & one penny specie agreeable to the "Act to adjust the
Debts &ca " per Certificates adjusted 4th Instant
March s
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 390
Thursday 6th March 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benjamin Stoddert, Gabl Duvall, James Brice & John H Stone
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson
Jr one hundred and twelve pounds, ten shillings specie out of the
money appropriated for the Payment of the Arrearages of the Barges
on Account
March 6
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 391
[B. Stoddert Presidt in Council to Honble Intendant]
We have no Objection to your applying £300. of the third Pay-
ment to be made by Messrs Dorsey, Wheeler & Co. to the Payments
of the Delegates in Congress; to be divided amongst them in Propor-
tion to their Claims.
March 6
Liber No. 78
p. 425
[Council to Mr John Crisall]
We request you will issue Rations to such Barge-Men as Captn
Middleton shall furnish a List of
[Council to John Bullen Esqr]
We request you will provide Barracks for three Barge-men.
Friday 7th March 1783
Present as on Yesterday. —
The Intendant is requested to Deliver to Lieut John Lynn Com-
manding the Guard at West River the following Articles or so many
March 7
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 391