[Joseph Dashiell, Rehobes, to Gov. Lee.]
I Rote you the other day by Mr Truitt in which I informed you
that Mr Polk had sent to me, that he had a matter of Importance to
Communicate, it is that a Certain James Welch of Baltimore had
Lodged sum goods at this place, the Neat Proceeds of Eighty hhd
Tobacco that he had run to New York, under the pretence of Being
Taken, he has now gone to Baltimore and has Caried up with him a
man by the Name of Mr Isaac's, who we have reason to believe is a
Capt of A Vesel that he Intends to run to New York with Flower &
Tobacco upon searching we found Two small packages but no goods
in them. I am informed that James Welch has a protection which
is on silk paper, Between the Lining of his Jackcate, and I make no
doubt Mr Isaac's has a protection, My Brother and myself will send
an Express to you within a few Days, by which I will be more full,
for want of paper at this place must Conclude
February 13
[Js. Mercer St JameSts, To Collo Robert T. Hooe]
I write you by this Post, to comply with my former Promise
there is nothing from the Southward worth communicating except
that the return of the French Fleet may allmost be depended on —
a Person of Intelligence this moment from Richmond says it is
so & a Letr of authority from Wmsbg on the 10th says " we wait only
for the French Fleet hourly expected to return " this waiting re-
spects the begining of operations agt Arnold which wee are now
ready for when the French Fleet shall be ready to cooperate.
February 13
[Jon'n Hudson, Balt., to Gov Lee.]
If you Intend to have any Herrings sent up the Ensuing Season
for the Public, I will Engage with you for any Quanty you will want
at 15/ specie pr Barrel you to find Barrels & salt, the price before
the War for this Business was 12/6 pr Barrel & the Extra price of
hands Provisions Seins &c is fully Equal to the Difference I now
ask you & If you will furnish me with Money I will procure the Salt
& Casks on as Good terms as I Can & I believe the salt may be had
at Phil3 on Good terms at this time wch is nearly as convenient as
having it here & the price I apprehend will Rise as the Fishing Sea-
son aproaches therefore the sooner the Purchase of such article is
made the better the Barrels are plenty & may be had on Equal terms
as before the War, I will Engage that the Fish shall be put up in a
Merchantable Manner otherwise it shall be my loss, & your ansr on
this Subject as soon as Possible is necessary because it is full time to
prepare for fishing so I will be much obliged to you to send me by
Major Yates or some other Safe hand Four hundred Pounds State
money in pt of my Acct wch shall be Good for £16000 say Sixteen
thousand Pounds Contl I have an oppty of Passing it I beg you will
February 13