pi, 92, 96, 99, ioo, no, in,
131, 171, 172, 185, 191, 194,
205, 212, 223, 225, 236, 239,
241, 249, 250, 268, 280, 283,
290, 294, 297, 303, 317, 335,
343, 363, 408, 409, 428, 433,
441, 447, 456, 469, 494, 495,
503, 509, 519, 531, 533, 544,
545, 547, 550, 551, 562, 563,
570, 574, 580, 582; John, 545,
548; Samuel, 313; Thomas,
267, 3T3; Zebulon, 77.
Holly, Thomas, 194.
Hollyday, —— , 486; Clement,
422; Leonard, 407.
Holmes, Capt., 194; William,
Holsters caps, 274, 345.
Holt, Philip, 458.
Hood, Benjamin, 245, 306;
John, 245, John, Jr., 245.
Hooe, Col., 419; Richard, 26,
43, 81; Robert F., 28, 31, 33,
55, 81, 113, 125, 261, 271, 277,
293, 386; Robert T., 69, 513.
Hooe's Ferry, 13.
Hook, George Michael, 314 ;
James, Jr., 314.
Hooper, —— , 120; Lt., 59;
Henry, 23, 122, 257, 321, 365,
462, 541; Roger A., 462;
Samuel, 462; William En-
nalls, 375.
Hooper's Straights, 218-220,
334, 562; Warehouse, 280.
Hope, see Vessels.
Hopewell, Hugh, 483, 484;
John, 295; Thomas, 253, 295 ;
William, 269.
Hopkins, Daniel, 313; David,
Hopkins, Wilson & Moore, 20,
Hopper, —— , 280.
Horn, Thomas, 142.
Horner, —— , 142.
Horrey, Col-, 396.
Horseman, Shadrack, 334.
Horses, 30, 36, 54, 56, 67, 68, 72,
73, 89, 94, 95, 101, 146, 149,
156, 159, 160, 180, 185, 195,
232, 233, 241, 242, 260, 277,
289, 302, 307, 310, 312-314,
330, 332, 341, 344, 345, 349-
351, 363, 364, 367, 368, 375,
377, 384, 393, 397, 398, 405,
406, 424, 444, 452, 4S5, 462,
463, 477, 479, 480, 484, 486,
492, 501, 502, 513, 520, 522,
529, 543, 550, 553, 554, 555,
Horsey, Williams, 17, 140.
Hose, 322, 509.
Hose, Dr. John, 297.
Hospital, 21, 114, 135, 354, 369,
377, 410, 503, 517, 5i8, 566,
House of Delegates, 47, 74, 79,
290, 326, 369.
Howard, Capt., n; Lt. Col., 21,
83; Benjamin, Jr., 367; Ben-
jamin, Sr., 367; Dr. Ephraim
(of Hy), 502, 512, 517;
George, 204; James, 60, 274,
502; John B., 502; Lemuel,
Howard's Light Infantry, 83.
Howe, General, 7.
Howell, Capt., 297; William,
Howitzers, see Artillery.
Howly, Richard, 123.
Hubbard, Joseph, 540; Samuel,
Hubbert, Job, 321.
Hudson, —— , 484; Caleb, 465;
Jonathan, 69, 211, 339, 403.
Huger, General, 87.
Huggins, Thomas, 533.
Hughes, —— , 165, 298, 299,
311; Daniel, 9, 39, 52, 53, 108,
114, 186, 217, 218, 228, Mrs.
M., 383; Philip, Rev., 383;
Samuel, 52, 349.
Hungerford, Charles, 467, 468;
Thomas, 262.
Hunter, Adam, 376; David, 34;
George, 206; Priest, 170.
Hunters Creek, 321.
Hunting Town, 343, 356, 358.
Huntington, S., 99; Samuel, n,
29, 59, 78, 86, 105, 140, 142,
149, 166, 174, 195, 199, 200,
203, 215, 220, 246, 254, 256,
264, 267, 273, 293, 320, 341-
Hurst, Samuel, 321.
Huston, Littleton, 9; see also
Hutchings, —— , 10, 280, 310;
James, 224.
Hutchinson, —— , 6, 37.
Hutchison, Samuel, 411.
Hyde, William, 62, 63, 443.
Hyena, see Vessels.
Hyland, Lambert, 140; Stephen,
Hynson, N., 174.
Ijams, Thomas, 306.
Importations, 59, 60, 66.
Impressments, in, 153, 156, 185,
193, 196, 197, 260, 472, 494,
496, 501, 503, 504, 537, 550,
Indentured servants, 434.
Indian blankets, 280; Meal, see
Indian corn.
Indian corn, 2, 5, 12, 30, 36, 55,
58, 71, 94, 103, 118, 123, 135,
138, 164, 171, 173, 103, 197,
213, 219, 223, 225, 231, 237,
239, 250, 272, 292, 303, 306,
317, 3i8, 332, 336, 341. 342,
353, 357, 363, 381, 388, 389,
439, 441, 442, 447, 479, 480,
483, 515, 545, 550, 552, 561.
Indian Landing, 156, 186, 187;
River, 366.
Indians, 130, 278.
Ink Powder, 72, 157, 178, 436.
Inspections Houses, see To-
Insurance, 70, 366.
Insurrections and Insurgents,
see Loyalists.
Intrenching tools, 93, 163, 164;
see also Axes; Pickaxes,
Shovels and Spades.
Invalid soldiers, 420; Regiment,
320; see also Hospital.
Ireland, 167, 239, 248, 279.
Ireland, Benjamin, 458; Gideon,
4; John, Jr., 4;8.
Iris, see Vessels.
Iron, Forges, Furnaces, shot,
etc., 53, 70, 153, 155, 181, 297,
315, 337-339, 349, 353, 381,
403, 417, 418, 432, 479, 480.
Ironet, 340.
Irons, 488.
Irving, Maj., 360; Levin, 195;
Thomas, 140.
Isaac, —— , 69.
Issuing Commissary, see Com-
Ives, Lucas, 133.
Jack O'th Lanthorn, see Vessels.
Jackets, 255, 332.
Jackson, George, 42, 578;
George & Co., 578, Henry,
140; Michael, 566; William,
Jacobs, Gabriel, 300; William,
12, 206, 314.
Jaffrey, James, 313.
Jails, 7, 8, 46, 54, 64, 86, 103, 107,
115, 118, 121, 136, 142, 149,
156, 164, 169, 180, 196, 216,
228, 240, 263, 276, 298, 302,
308, 311, 330, 335, 339, 353,
377, 380, 382, 390, 396, 415,
419, 423, 426, 466, 467, 481,
488, 489, 511, 514, 515, 523,
556, 558, 581.
Jalap, 325, 326.
Jamaica, 202, 565.
James, George, 195, 361; John,
9; Levy, 80.
James River, 7, 17, 25, 26, 82,
102, 118, 119, 225, 261, 271,
277, 293, 383, 473, 515.
Jameson, William, 366.
Jamestown (Va.), 258.
Jarboe, —— , 215.
Jason, see Vessels.
Jay, E, 68.
Jeffers, see McHenry, Jeffers
& Co.
Jeffers, John, 234, 313.
Jefferson, Thomas, 17, 20, 46,
106, 118, 119, 137, 138, 189.
Jenifer, —— , 36, 47, 300, 401;
Dr., 324; Maj., 297; D., 517;
Daniel, 4, 19, 24, 25, 172, 289,
324, 34i, 358, 419, 479, 484,
487, 492, 510, 513, 517; Dan-
iel of St. Thomas, 244, 247,