Black Water Company of Mi-
litia, 195, 361.
Blackeston, —— , 296; Harbert,
Blacksmiths, 315, 480, 488.
Blackstone, —— , 303.
Blackstone's Island, 276, 295.
Blackwell, Col., 2139.
Bladensburgh, 3, 39, 141, 161,
190, 192, 287, 344. 462, 547-
Blaine (Blain), Col., 212, 213,
450, 455, 498, 500, 513, 514,
521, 524, 531, 557, 562, 570,
574; Ephraim, 26, 191, 192,
199, 446, 494, 495, 507, 525,
543, 549, 550, 563, 566.
Blake, —— , 212, 448, 470, 525 ;
Charles, 10, 12, 119, 135, 141,
195, 205, 250, 268, 280, 297,
3io, 343, 409, 4io, 428, 441,
447, 480, 409, 500, 513, 531,
537, 547, 570, 580, 581; Ed-
ward, 460; Joseph, 458; Rob-
ert, 200.
Blankets, 57, 66, 67, 201, 280,
308, 310, 311, 322, 345, 362,
403, 435, 450, 451, 469, 476,
490, 491, 508, 542, 583.
Blare, James, 297; John, 297.
Blaze, Joseph, 464.
Bleacher, —— , 329, 330; see
also Pleacker.
Blind soldiers, 48, 442, 487.
Blue Ridge Mts., 82.
Blue Stone Tavern, 229.
Blunt, George, 261; Samuel,
Board of Admiralty, n, 30, 52.
Board of Confiscated British
Property, 418; see also Na-
thaniel Ramsey; British.
Board of War, 17, 57, 76, 80,
154, '99, 247, 248, 257, 268,
270, 284, 297, 309, 401, 414,
423. 488, 537, 552.
Boardley, see Bordley,
Boarman, Joseph, 331; Leonard,
Jr., 331; Leonard, Sr., 331.
Bodkin Point, 139.
Bohea tea, 436.
Bohemia, 290.
Boisson, Col. Du, 234.
Bolting Cloth, 544.
Bolton, J., 260; John, 252.
Bond, —— , 188, 452; Mrs., 243 ;
Benjamin. 274; Jacob, 368;
James of Joseph, 368; John,
242, 243; R., 349; Richard,
501; William, son of Joseph,
Bonds, 30, 62, 72, 96, 99, 107,
"3. 253. 319, 337, 339, 364,
429, 449-
Bonham, Malackiah, 399.
Bonum, —— , 489.
Boone (Boon), —— , 12, 142;
Capt., 140; Lt., 406; Burle,
444; Samuel, 12; Stevens,
Booth, Capt., 132; Ever. 504;
John, 321.
Bop, Johannes, 561.
Bordley, —— , 499, 570; Beal,
125; William, 28, 42, 154, 181,
200, 222, 245, 249, 311, 440,
Bosley, Walter, 274.
Boston, see Vessels.
Boston (Mass.), 16, 130, 175.
Bouchell, Dr. Slyter, 213.
Boucher, John. Thomas, 513.
Bougainville, —— , 203.
Bounties, 21, 89, 227, 262, 272,
339, 346, 360, 390, 411, 415,
419, 420, 424, 443, 473, 474,
Bouton's Battalion, 259.
Bowie, —— , 157, 178, 290;
Capt., 235, 236; Robert, 407;
W., 109; William, 495.
Bowie's Store, 178.
Howley, Daniel, 160, 206, 211,
359, 405, 459, 553-
Bowly and Stewart, 99, 197.
Boyce, Roger, 274.
Boyd's Hole (Va.), 169.
Boyer, Capt., 573; Michael, 435.
Boyes, Arthur, 451.
Bracco, John, 278.
Bradford, —— , 114, 526.
Bradie, Capt., 3.
Bran and shorts, 318, 332, 410,
427, 441, 486, 580.
Branded cattle and horses, 324,
Brandy, 204, 208, 219, 223, 230,
422, 436, 5«o, 511, 541.
Brandywine River (Pa.), 418.
Brawner, William, 252, 253.
Bread, 27, 53, 57, 67, 71, 73, 76,
80, 89, 91, 94, 96, 97, 101, 130,
136, 145, 149, 250, 304, 508,
Breeze, John, 458.
Brent, —— , 6.
Brereton, John, 278.
Brest CFrance), 68, 202, 239.
Brewer, —— , 489.
Brian, see Bryan.
Brice, —— , 68, 246, 275, 294,
352, 407, 445; James, I, 95.
103, 140, 182, 244, 290, 306,
319, 323, 328, 333, 354, 444,
453, 465, 480, 515.
Brick kiln, 187.
Bridges, 94, 187, 261, 348, 366.
410, 450, 550.
Bridles, see Harness.
Brihon, Dr., 25.
Brinkley, William, 458.
Briscoe, Hanson, 557.
Bristol duffled blankets, 201, 469.
Bristol stone, 357.
British 169, 550; Armies, 6, 13,
14, 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 31,
68, 73, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87,
88, 108, 109, 113, 153, 159,
166, 167, 181, 196, 258, 259,
261, 264, 271, 275, 293, 297,
315, 3i6, 341-343, 371, 376,
395, 396, 399, 403, 406, 408,
422, 452, 453, 473, 512, 516,
552, 554, 556, 578, 581.
Barges, frigates, nrivateers,
transports and other vessels,
2-4, 7, 9, 16, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26,
29, 37, 38, 41, 43, 65, 67, 75,
79, 81, 82, 88, 91, 104, 108,
117, 119, 120, 122, 125-130,
134, 138, 139, 155, 157-159,
161, 167, 168, 170, 173, 174,
179, 183, 184, 188-193, 196,
200, 205, 336, 228, 235, 243,
247, 26l, 262, 273, 280, 293,
295, 209, 303, 327, 328, 330,
333-335, 337, 339, 343, 350,
356-358, 371, 373, 38o, 382,
383, 386, 393, 402, 421, 433,
452, 459, 462, 475, 48i, 483,
514, 522. Confiscated and for-
feited property, 30, 83, 164,
182, 198, 422; Depredations
by, 38, 41, 72, 75, 102-104, 140,
151, 160, 163, 167, 168, 170,
172, 173, 177, 178, 180, 181,
184, 187, 191, 197, 202, 217,
232, 242, 245, 258, 281, 295,
299, 303, 306, 334, 338, 339,
353, 356, 358, 360, 367, 4»3,
430, 462, 481; Money 52; see
also Arnold, Benedict; Corn-
wallis, Lord; Loyalists; Pris-
Britons Bay, 357-
Brittingham, Samuel, 364.
Britton, Richard, 274.
Broad Creek. 172, 188, 192.
Brogden, William, 327.
Brome, William D., 458.
Brooke, Raphael, 12, 501.
Brookes, Brooks, —— , 495 >
Benjamin. 68; Daniel, 538;
John Smith, 5, 6, 10, 14, 37,
45, 56, 76, 83, 95, 119, 133,
141, i S3, 176, 177, 235, 263,
281, 288, 307, 132, 352, 369,
385, 400, 414, 423, 437, 492,
547, 573-
Broom and Johnson, 28, 77.
Broughton, John, 365.
Brown ( Browne) , —— , 486, 487 ;
Capt., 35, 58, 74. 102; Dr.,
412; Aquila, 84; Gustavus R.,
Dr. 294, 295, 376, 39T:
Henry. 160; Jacob, 29, 61, 200,
214; James, 458; John, 306,
425, 558; Sarah, 432; Wil-
liam, 240, 432.
Brown's Artillerv. 35. 102, 240;
Company of Mattresses, 58 ;
Corp>, 74-
Browning, Benjamin, 558.
Browson. Dr., 258.
Bruce, Normand, 133.
Bruff, —— , 12, 47. 428, 470;
Joseph, n, 185 zeo; Richard,
300; W., 327; William, 340.