574 Letters to the Governor and Council
December 13
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 156
[George Stricker, Frederick County, to the Council.]
(Pr favour Majr Bayly)
In my last I inform'd you of having two of the State Horse's
in my Possession which I collected under the Act of Assembly — one
of which I had Inform'd you was taken with a fistula — and at that
time the Farrier I Employed had the greatest hopes of making a
Sound cure but has not turn'd out agreeable to his Expectation — his
Excuse is that the season being unfavourable to perform the cure,
and has returned her to me Yesterday in such a Condition as should
be no Service to the State. The other is in Good Order and will
send him to the Person formerly directed or return him to the
owner who is willing to receive him if the State has no use for him.
Your further direction with regard to the above mentiond Horses
I shall readily Comply with.
December 14
[Peter Chaille, Worcester County, to His Excellency
Thos. Sim Lee, Esqr.]
I writ to you sum time past For your direction, Respecting, My
Purchasing, sum Salt, to which I have Received no answer shall
be much obligd to you For your direction, as soon as Possable — as
the People is bringing in Pork in discount of Taxes and the Beef
that I slaughtered by order of Colo Blain will want packing in
Barrels, in a short time. Pleas to send me sum money to Pay For
Salt Barrels &ca
P. S. I have sent the Cattle to the Head of Elk by order of
Colo Hollingsworth.
P. C.
December 14
[Jas Calhoun, Baltimore, to the Governor & Council]
Inclosed is copies of letters I this Evening received from Philada
which take the liberty of transmitting to you, as I do not think my-
self justifiable in giving any directions on this Subject without hav-
ing first received instructions from Your Honble Board, therefore
shall wait your orders thereon.
December 17
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 7
[Overton Carr to Gov. Lee.]
I did myself the Honor, some time ago, to present a petition to
your Excellency and Council, praying a releasement from my con-
fined situation. I take the liberty again to renew it, and hope that
your Excellence and Council, (sensible of the many and great dis-
advantages it subjects me to in matters of Business, as well as de-
priving me of the pleasure of visiting my Relations & Friends) will
not be deaf to its Prayer, Conscious of the Rectitude of my inten-
tions, I regard with indifference any Bond, which your Excellency &
Council may think proper to take, for my good Behaviour as a
Citizen. I only pray to have the liberty of other members of the