October 5
Red Book
No. 29
Letter 52
an Excellent stout well made Draught horse for him, which I think
wou'd render the state much more service than the little horse. Mr
Vardin has seen the horse and knows him & can describe his qualities.
His being very mischiveous is the reason of my wanting to part with
If your Excy and the Council shou'd approve the exchanges I shall
be obliged by the little horse's being sent down by Verdin and the
other shall be sent up as soon as he gets fat which he is not at present,
being a good deal Worried in treading out wheat. I will also thank
your Excy for about an hundred or an hundred and fifty pounds of
the new money to pay for forage pasturage &c.
October 5
[C. Th. Wederstrand, Wye to Honble Matthew Tilghman Esqr
In Council Talbot County]
Col. Blaine requested me this evening to send a letter he had
from Your Honble Board, directed to Mr Henry Coursey, which
having done, I received the inclosed letter & transmit it for your
perusal judging the present Service requires it.
October 6
[Joseph Dashiell, Worcester County, to Gov. Lee.]
(Pr Mr. Parker)
The Barer Mr Scarbrough Parker, Brings up Sundry Desartors &
Draughts &c. and as we ware oblidged to send a guard we thought it
advisable to send a Capt. West a prisoner Taken by Capt. Walley
sum time ago, he aledges that he was the Capt of one of the Enemys
Barges but I am of Oppinion that his Commission is a Counterfeit,
his Conduct Since he has bin in Gaol proves him to be a Very low
life Dirty Blackgard.
I sent up by the Barge the week before last Sundry Draught &
substitutes, several of the latter has Returned with Out any Dis-
charge from your Excellency or Genl Smalwood, and Inform me
that the Genl would not receive them as they ware Only to serve till
the 10 Decr they ware Substitutes for the men Last Draughted, they
ware not Oblidg'd to find Substitutes for any longer time then they
had to serve, I should be glad of Your Direction, wheather these men
that have recd a bounty, are not to serve their time Out.
The people of this County would be Very Glad to know Your
Excellencys Determination relitive to Levin Dishroon, the Criminal
now under Sentence of Death in Our Gaol, the Gaol is so bad that