September 4
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 58
List of the Ships which compose this Fleet
i — no Guns, 3 — 84 Guns, 19 — 74 Guns, 4 64 Guns, 1 — 50 Guns,
2 — 44 Frigates, 2 — 32 Frigates, 1 68 Cutter.
September 4
[William McBryde, To His Excellency Thos S. Lee Esqr]
I Reced yours Dated August 30th & therewith £100 New Emis-
sion, you may Rely on my doing every thing in my Power with the
utmost Dispatch, for the Publick Interest, as farr as that Small Sum
will go, tho' am afraid & almost Certain not near that Quantity Can
be got in this County, of Cattle fitt for Beef & Salt Provision is now
Pretty scare.
I must Confess there is Two things Lately happened that a Good
Deal Surprizes me (& I hope your Goodness will Excuse my asking
the Reason, & Send it me by first oppertunity. Especially when I
Declare on my honour, it is with no other View but to Clear up
my own Character, which has been Maliciously & falsly injured,)
Vizt £500, Sent Collo Chaillie Com. Genl to Purchase Salt Provisions
& £500 Sent to this County for Same use, but not sent to the Com :
Likewise the Letter sent me Directed to me as the Acting Com: from
this it appears you Expected I was Turn'd out, which I hope you'll not
do, Till I know for why, & have an oppy of Showing the World I am
innocent, of the Charge, being Guilt/ of nothing amiss in that Station
that I ever was Sencible of, I hope you will Excuse this freedom &
Oblige me with an answer, & as Soon as I know how many Cattle, &
how much Pork I Can get, will wait on you myself & Bring my old
Accts to Settle, I have now 18 Barrells Salt Pork by me, & no more
Provision of any kind, only a few Beeves,
September 4
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 38
[Geo. P. Keeports, Baltimore, to Gov. Lee.]
May It Please your Excelcy I have Just Recd yours by Express and
shall Exert my Self To send Down to morrow all my Purchases
which will amount to about 130 Good Blankets made of Cloth Col-
lected in This Town. I am much Afraid of Getting Camp Kettles
made up in a Hurry The Workmen in Town will not work for New
money. There is no Shoes in Town at Present but shall Exert my self
to Procure Them as soon as Possible