September 2
situation. And as to the carriage of the flour I am persuaded it can-
not be got down expeditiously without impressing Teams I have
wrote in the pressing manner to the different Commissaries on this
Subject, and would willingly take a ride to the Several Counties but
am apprehensive my absence at this time would be of worse conse-
quence than all the Service I could do by going would compensate for,
however if you think otherwise & will inform me thereof shall set
out immediately
September 2
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 37
[Geo. P. Keeports, Baltimore, to Gov. Lee.] (Favd by Mr Yeldell)
May It Please Your Excelly In Closed is an Invoice of Arms sent
with The whole of The Cartridge Boxes which are not in the Hands
of The Militia, Cartridge Boxes were much wanting for The Militia
in The Last Alarm as There is not Near The Compliment of Car-
tridge Boxes There is of Musqt
Colo Smith and Myself shall make up between 80 & 90 blankts by
Tuesday Next which is The whole of the Stuff that Can at Present
be Procured in This Town That is by any means Suitable for The
Purpose. Mr Richd Lemmon has 4 or 5 Peices of Kersey which I
was in Bargain with him for but he asking me 7/6 pr yard The week
before I was Ordered to Purchase and 12/6 pr yard when I applied
to him to Purchase for The New Emsn I Determined to make a
Seizure of it but was Prevented by his secreting The Cloth from me,
I wish to be Instructed what Method I shall Pursue to make him or
any other in a Similar Matter Produce any Goods that are or may be