January 27
In Council Annapolis 27 Jany 1781
Permission is hereby given to the within named Captain Lusk to
go into New York to solicit his Exchange for Aquila Johns late
Commander of the Buckskin Merchantman, now Prisoner of War
on Parole to Commodore Cayton; In Case the Exchange should not
be effected, the said Captain to return when required. He is also
permitted to take with him William Wilison a Lad of about twelve
Years of Age on his procuring a Citizen of this State to be exchanged
for said Wilson.
January 28
Red Book
No. 29
Letter 20
[Sam Smith, Mr. Sewell's to Gov. Lee.]
I did myself the Honor to write your Excelly p Express the 25th
she has not yet return'd I flatter myself Vessells are sent down to
secure the States property yet remaining from the Enemy, the waves
& the still greater Destroyers, the rapacious Inhabitants. The
Schooner's situation & great probability of her preservation In-
duced me to advise Major Taylor to offer every Eighth Barrell of
that which the Militia would save, without this they refuStd working.
The Schooners Crew does not hold it to be their Duty to preserve
any thing but their Rigging & furniture yesterday she was unloaded
& this Day they have begun to pump & Bail & I think will soon Clear
her, much of her Cargo is embezzled, the Inhabitants have offer'd
such prices to the Sailors as Induc'd them to sell the States property,
& they themselves have esteem'd themselves justifiable in robbing
the Public.
I follow'd a difft plan for the Brig I discharg'd her unruly Crew
in part & Hir'd Negroes with about 20 people I sav'd in one Day
600 Bbles & Have now 700 Bbls Landed & Hope yet to secure 100
more, if your Vessells do not come down Tomorrow I shall Haul it
from the Beach & Store it in the yard of Mr Bellwood where it must
stay without Cover until carriagas can be had from here instead.
I have been ask'd 4 bbls of flour for a Cart & 4 Oxen, However
I do not Submit to any Imposition possible to avoid altho. I assure
you there will be many unavoidable, such as the first Night 8 Bbles
for a Guard. However I shall be more ecconomical in future. I
cannot paint to your Excelly the avarice & rapacity of this People.
If a General Search Warrant could be procur'd, it would answer the
good purpose of saving of much & would deterr them from future
attempts. Sir they have Bot from the sailors when warn'd to the
Contrary they at first brot their canoes along side, as if Intending to
land & carried it to their own Homes & Sir if you do not send craft
soon I am confident they will rob from Bellwoods yard