392 Letters to the Governor and Council
August 5
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 127
we can Man her, with Volunteers. If Gen. Smallwood will Come up
Immy I will Engage for 800 Men from my Battalion. The Balt.
Troop & Forrest Comy a Body of Eighty Horse all well Mounted
& equiped, the Militia will willingly Come in & Ere the Enemy comes
up we might be sufficiently strong to risk an Action. I once before
explaind to your Excelly how defensible Nature has made this place,
But there must be Regulars to form to, without them we shall like the
Virginians let the Enemy ravage our Country without firing a
Shott — without them the Townsmen will not think of defence, with
them they will shew themselves Marylanders, your Excelly agrees
with me on a former occasion, That Anapolis was not defensible.
This place which is according to Information their Destination, may
be defended. We have no Commander, Gist lays ill in Bed
Money must be sent to the different departments. I beg that seven
Hundred & fifty pounds may be sent to me p Bearer. Perhaps the
present occasion may give it a Curry I Have expended nearly the
whole I Have receivd. I Have order'd Waggons for the public Stores,
has your Excelly determin'd on a Spot to receive them, if you have
pray let me know p return of the Bearer.
August 6
[Alex'r Crawford, Harford County, to Gov. Lee.]
This is to Inform your Excellency that Mr George Patterson, the
Collector of Horses for Harford County, has resigned; and I am
Appointed by the Lieutenant of said County. I have Accordingly
with, very great Difficulty Collected Seven Light Horses — nine Wag-
gon Horses, and one Waggon, I have also Varied appraisers in almost
every Instance, yet find the prices of Horse to exceed all reason. Light
Horses is Valued at Seventy, Eighty and ninety pounds, and one even
to One Hundred and Thirty, Waggon Horses in proportion, upon
these Considerations, I want your Excellencys Orders, whether or not
I shall proceed to Collect the few remaining Horses at such prices,
being Confident that if real Cash was paid for Horses they might be
procured much Cheaper than for Certificates.
August 6
[Joseph Ford to Gov. Lee.]
I Enclose your Excellency An Account of the Expences in collect-
ing and driving ninety five Steers to George Town, which If it should
appear to be Right I hope your Honble Board will give An Order for
Payment the Twenty Pounds that I Received when I was at An-
napolis last being nearly exhausted in procuring Provisions and
Necessaries to forward the Draughted men Returns of which shall
be made up to the last of this month.
Mr Mills who had charge of the drove and drovers will have
the Honor of delivering this and will Receive and forward the Bal-
lance of the Account that is not due him to me immediately