290 Letters to the Governor and Council
June 13
[Baruch Williams, Bohemia, to James Brice Esqr, presidt of the
Honble Council, Annapolis.]
On the Eighth of Septr last I received ten Tobacco Notes inclosed
in a letter of the 21st of August, to sell, to Enable me to make Pur-
chases a Copy of one is now sent for the Governor & Council's direc-
tions it has been produced to the Treasurer by the Collector of this
County and he refused taking it, owing I presume from some De-
ficiency in the recording of it. I received yours of the 5th of June
yesterday, about Cloathing. I will do all I can but am fearful I shall
make but little out of some orders about the Inclosed Copy (the Origi-
nal of which the Collector received in Taxes & has in his Possession)
NB I suppose I need not give a hint that money is necessary for
purchasing the Cloathing but at any rate this will serve as one
June 14
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 94
[Thos Smyth, Jur, Kent County to The Honoble James Brice Esqr
Presidt of the Council Annapolis] (Via Rock Hall)
I did not receive the appointments with which the Council have
honor'd me, 'till yesterday and take the first opportunity of inform-
ing them that I am obliged to decline serving under it. I am in
a very bad state of health, and have as much to do as I can possibly
attend to, in collecting the Taxes of this County. As it is not in my
power to do the duty of the Commission effectually, I hope the Coun-
cil will not be displeaStd at my declining to accept it.
June 14
[William Clagett, Piscataway to Governor Lee]
Messrs Bowie's Kettles will not in my opinion answer for the
purpose you want them, they have but very few that will hold 1 1/4
Gallons, therefore I have declined sending them up.
June 14
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 84
[H. Hollingsworth, Head of Elk, to His Excellency, Thomas Sim
Lee, Esqr in Council.]
And please Your Excellency & Honours The many difficulties
experienced in the collecting Manufacturing and forwarding the
Specific supplys of the Eastern Shore of this State, at this time when
the use of the Bay is cut off from us, or at least in great measure
rendered unsafe, Imboldens me to offer a few hints which have
occured to me regarding it, not that I think myself competent to
direct (more then others) but that experience has taught me that
which others were they in my situation would perhaps have seen,
and pointed out much sooner my letter of the twelfth, with that to
Major Smith which I have requested him to lay before your Excel-
lency & Honours which you are at Liberty to lay before the Honour-
able House of Delegates, will I fear point out too evident the Incon-
venience that arises from the Manufacturing all the wheat at so great
a distance from the place it is wanted, and at Mills not properly pre-