[Geo. Plater, J. A. Thomas, Saint Mary's County to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
From the particular Situation of our County, we are induced
to request, that your Excellency would suspend the Draft of the
Militia of that County for fitting up the Quota of Troops until the
third day of June next.
May 17
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 60
[W. Bordley, Chester Town, Kent Co'ty to Gov. Lee.]
I recd a Letter from your Council dated 17th Apl 1781 requesting
me to send the recruits raised in our County to Annapolis. An im-
mediate compliance with this order was impracticable because none
of those recruits were fully paid & the dificulty of procuring Specie
very great, the whole or most of them engaged should not march
from hence, until they receivd their money agreeable to their con-
tracts; upon my receiving the orders I directly set up advertisements
informing all those who contracted with recruits to settle their con-
tract otherwise executions would Issue. I am inclined to believe that
every exertion has been made by the inhabitants & that they will
settle as soon as possible I am really anxious to have the recruits
sent over to Annapolis & will get them ready as soon as possible but
what I shall say to them about the Cloathing I know not as they have
been promised to be clothed here agreeable to the Law & every im-
position of this kind retards the recruiting business. You will ob-
serve by the enclosed List that I have passed a man for each Class
one only excepted, which Class was Drafted on the fifth of this in-
stant & I am in hopes of geting a three years soldier in his room
as a nine months recruit will be of very little service I apprehend
that those counties who at a very great price in Specie have procured
soldiers for three years, will not be on the same footing with those
who have only furnished them for nine months or paid their State
money agreeable to what the commissioners fixed it at. My Clark
is making out my Accts which I shall send soon by one of our dele-
gates not having it in my power hitherto on acct of the Enemies
Vessels being in the Bay.
Major Dean the bearer of this Letter has had the charge of our
recruits & I expect your Excellency will have it in your power to
supply him with sufficient Clothing for them
May 17