May 7
we have determined to send two Vessells. One a Schooner burthen
Fifty Tons, Calld the Real Barber, Commanded by Captain Darby,
with five hands. The other a Sloop Burthen Twenty Tons, CalPd
the Nancy, Commanded by John Jeffers with to men. These Vessells
you will be pleased to enter on your list that a flag may be obtain'd
for them to proceed With the first to New York.
If it is necessary for one of us to come down, you will Please to
Acquaint us.
May 8
Red Book
No. 5
Letter 80
[Daniel Carroll, Philadelphia, to Gov. Lee.]
I wrote you a few lines last Saturday informing you that large
Sums of the old Continental money were sent to the Southward to be
got rid of immediately in consequence of the Step taken by the Exec-
utive of this State. The encloStd paper contains a publication of the
President & Council explaining these motives. The confusion still
subsists in this city, I believe little or nothing can be bought here
at present for the old money at any rate.
I believe I lately enclosd to you a return of some cloathing which
had been forwarded to Genl Greens army. I have now the pleasure
of informing you that two Vessels are arriv'd to the Eastward with
cloathing from Cadiz. A great part of this supply will probably be
applied to the Troops under Genl Washington. Before this arrival
several articles were orderd as underneath.
I do not remember whether I have requested you to send me the
act of Assembly passd last Session in favor of the Baron de Calbs
family. Col Du Baisson calls upon me frequently on that Subject.
The Rampart arms two Field ps are ready. I have reason to believe
their will be a very considerable importation of Arms soon — & men-
tion it that you may consider whether an application for a share of
them wou'd not be proper, and answer better than taking the ram-
part peices unless they are wanted for boats.
Ordered for the Southern Army from Head quarters 1500
Woolen Waistcoats, 300 pr Leather Breeches, 3000 pr Linen overalls,
3000 Socks. Now on the road for the Marquis Corps 1200 Shirts,
1200 Linen overalls, 1200 Shoes, 1200 Socks, 100 Hunting Shirts.
Now on the road for the S. Army 3000 Socks, 900 Hunting Shirts.
4000 pr of Shoes ready made ordered from N. Jersey The Com-
mander in chief has ordered the above articles to be sent forward
with 1000 Stand of Arms. 2000 Arms will probably be sent from
Springfield for the S. Army.