April 14
up here by the Marquis, in order to fit her out to Act for a small
time against the small Enemys Boats, this Application is seconded
by Colo Thompson Captain Garland is proposed to Conduct this
matter I have reason to believe him of proper Carrecter and well
Attached to our Independance I know nothing of the Circumstance
of this Boat and as he is the bearer you will be pleased to give such
order as you think most proper
April 15
12 o Clock
[Jos3 Beall, Broad Creek, to His Excellency Thomas Sim Lee.]
The Enemies Gott under way this morning about 6 o'Clock,
and before set out for this place had got Down as Low as Colll
Masons. On Thursday morning Capn William Dent Beall who un-
dertook the command of the men who had turned out as Select Mili-
tia and several others who joyned them on this Occasion Marched
with a about 20 who formed themself into a body of Light horse
to get forward to Assist in opposing the Enemie in Case of their
Landing, as the Enemie were then moved down to the mouth of
Piscataway Thursday Evening the Enemie sent a flag on Shore to
Colll Lyles demanding a supply of fresh provisions, which being
refused, they Landd about a hundred men under cover of the their
cannon & burnt all his buildings, in this Attempt some of Capn
Bealls party, 7 of them got a fire at them on their Landing & those
prisoners say wounded 5 of them 1 or 2 Mortily.
The Enemie got under way on f ryday morning but the wind blow-
ing Hard at North West they all came to again, I ordered the re-
mainder of Capn Bealls Company to joyne him, who was Stationed
with some other Militia under Colll Lyles As a guard to Mr Bonds
Houses & Property, Yesterday morning some of the Enemys boats
were a shore at Lyleses fishing landing killing some Hogs that had
got Down about the Landing, in the Evening 2 of their boats again
Landed with the Sailing Master of the Hope & ten men in one, the
Purser & 6 men in another, who had got on shore strolling about,
when Leivts Osborn Williams & Henry Lyles with a party of Young
Men pushed in & cut them off from their boat, & took the sailing
Master, Boat & all his crew amounting to Eleven in the whole &
brought them off in the face of the Enemie Notwithstanding the
fire of their cannon, In short Sir this was as brave an Action as was
Ever performed by men, as they were Exposed to the fire of three
of their Vessels at a short distance from them I do not think I shall
do them justice if I do not return Your Excellency a roll of their
Names, I sent an Express to Colll Lyles this morning desireing
he would Observe the Movements of the Vessells & in Case they
continue their course down the River, shall Discharge the Militia
this Evening or Tomorrah morning.
P. S. Inclosed is a list of the Prisoners who I have sent under
Guard to the Goal of this county till your further orders respecting