with me — but the directions were not particular enough as to the lat-
ter, & all the paper was not to be engag'd until further orders. Please
to let me know what is to be done, & no time shall be lost
April 10
Red Book
No. 5
Letter 55
[S. West, Woodyard, to Gov. Lee.]
I imagine you may have been informed that the intelligence from
Col Beall was exaggerated — an express which I sent to Col. Lyles
yesterday brought me an Account that the Enemy were at Lower
Cedar Point 2 Schooners & a Pilot Boat, they had not burned Col
BarneSts or the Priest, Matthew's Houses — they had taken some
plunder from the latter & from Mr Walter Hanson; they also took
a Son of his, an officer in the extra Regiment, Prisoner. Coll Lyles
informs me that there is a very good Spirit among the People round
him to defend their Coasts but that they want Arms Accoutrements
&c. I have delivered to your order, transmitted by Coll Beall, 118
Stand of Arms — there are a few more ready & we are preparing
the rest; the People about Marlbro intended to have taken them
without an order, they were so much alarmed, all the Arms are at
present there, I informed the People they might have more Arms
& also Cartridge Boxes from Annapolis, they are in great want of
the latter. I sent with the Arms 800 very good flints. I am well
informed that on Saturday, when it was so foggy 1 or 2 barges came
all the way up Patuxent to Lower Marlbro manned mostly by Ne-
groes in the night landed & Plundered the Town, burned Capt John
Davids House & a Traveler who was asleep in it. They took Pris-
oners Coll Fitzhugh & Willm Allein & carried them some distance
but afterwards released them on Some Conditions: They took all the
Vessells at Lower Marlbro and I hear one with Provisions from
Patrick Smith — (probably intended for Marlbro) they loaded the
vessells with Tobacco out of the Warehouse and carried all off down
the River on Sunday Morning with a strong wind at Noth West;
most of Fitzhughs Negroes went with them.
Every Hours Experience shews the necessity of having some
Armed Vessells in the great Rivers especially Patuxent & Potow-
mach and some Cannon & Men stationed at such points where the
vessells may occasionally retire to & assist in repelling the Enemy.
I am surprised the Gentlemen at Alexandria who have Vessells &
Cannon do not adopt the Idea — the Militia from on this Side Potow-
mack I believe would chearfully assist in manning the vessells.
I saw Mr John Smith Brookes yesterday who informed me he
had 30 good Beeves ready for moving. As Annapolis is without Pro-
visions & meant to be garrisoned I told him that I believed they woud
be very acceptable to you at this time — the 3 Recruits are also or-
dered; the Salt Provisions wait your order; but surely some will be
wanted for the Militia & other purposes in this County during the
April 10
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 8