March 30
[James Wood, Frederick Town to His Excellency Governor Lee]
(By Mr. Ogle)
I have the Honor of Inclosing your Excellency a Copy of a late
Instruction which I have received from the Board of War, and must
beg leave to request that the Executive will Determine whether the
British Convention Troops are to remain in Frederick Town, or
be removed to any other part of the State, before this Point is settled,
it will be impossible for me to Carry the Ideas of Congress into
Execution, for shou'd I separate the men from the Officers at Pres-
ent and put them under Close Confinement, and a removal shou'd
afterwards be thought Necessary, it wou'd give them a very favour-
able Oppertunity of Escaping. On this Consideration I have Deter-
mined to Keep the Resolutions of Congress Profound Secret untill
the return of Mr Ogle, by whom I hope to have your Determination.
I wou'd beg leave to mention to your Excellency, that if the Troops
are to remain here, it will be absolutely Necessary to have a line of
Picquets round the Barracks — that the Guard shou'd be augmented
'till it is Compleated; and that Mr Murdock's hands shou'd be
strengthened and open to his Procuring supplies of Provisions, which
will become more Necessary when the Troops are Closely Confined.
I have also Inclosed a Resolve of Congress for some Money to Bear
the Expense of an Officer who is to go with the British to Connecti-
cut, which I hope your Excellency will Direct to be sent by Mr Ogle,
if Possible in Continental, as it will Pass better than any other
money, except Specie. I am extremely Anxious to go to Winchester
to send off the Prisoners of war, who I understand are Escaping
Daily, but shall wait here untill Mr Ogle's return.
March 31
[Wm. Bordley, Chester Town, Kent Co. to His Excelly Thos Sim
Lee, Esqr] (p Favour Capt Tilden)
When the two Sloops of war & two Arm'd schooners were up
the Bay I immediately order'd on duty such a part of the Militia
as we supposed sufficient to protect the inhabitants & property of our
County, I had guards station'd from the head of the County to the
lower part of it & cauStd horsemen to parade below Hourly in order
to give timely notice to the Militia of any movements of the Enemy.
I also directed the officers to secure or destroy all the small boats &
canoes & by these early exertions I presume we owe the Safety of our
property, having lost nothing on this occasion. I have now sent a row
boat over to Annapolis hoping that Your Excellency will furnish us
with the two field peices, the Arms & Ammunition with some Cart-
ridge paper. I apprehend that our communication will very soon be
totally cut off & without the means of defence we shall be in the most
deplorable situation, we are determin'd to oppose the enemy at all
events should they visit us (which I think is more than probable
they having full possession of the Bay) but this opposition must be