[Josa Beall, Lieut, Ps Gs Cty. Prince Georges County]
I received yours of the 11th instant Yesterday 2 o'Clock P. M.
in consequence of which I have issued orders for the Militia of this
county to be called together, and to meet once a weak till farther
Orders. And that wee may be the better prepared in case of an At-
tack, I shall distribute the publick Ammunition in this county among
the several field officers of the different Battalions and take their re-
ceipts for the same
But what wee are to do for Arms I know not, by the last return I
receivd a Coppy of which I returned to the Govr & Council there ap-
peared to be but 264 pieces & 11 Bayonets in any tolerable order,
And 162 peices wanting repare, and many of them scarce worth
repareing, there were 5 companys of the 24 in the county that made
no returns, which shews how little Subordination there is among
the people, at a time when the greatest ought to be closely Attended
to; this I have Every found to be too mutch the case among many
of the people in this county, as well in the Civil as Military Depart-
ments; But I fear it may be with too mutch truth asserted, that where
there is one man who has the real good of his country at heart, there
are hundreds who think of nothing more than to Enrich themselves
on the ruin of their Country and Destreses of their Neighbours.
I dont know how our Publick Magazines are Stored with arms,
But if they can be spared, some ought to be put into the hands of the
people, or at least into the hands of the officers, that they may be
ready in case of an invasion. And as wee are so destitute of regular
forces at present and too mutch reason to belive, that from the de-
praved natures of many among us, who on various pretences are
daily travelling through the United States, intelligence is frequently
conveyed to the Enemy; Would it not be proper during the time the
Enemy is so nigh, to keep small parties of the Militia Stationed at
all ferrys & publick pases, to intercept & take up Every person they
find pasing, in order that they may be strictly Examined, and give
some very good Acct of themselves and busness they are on before
they are allowed to proceed. If a scheem of this sort is thought Ex-
pedient, it ought to be put in Execution, in as Speedy & Secret a man-
January 14