[Norm'd Bruce to Gov. Lee.]
The Bearer Mr Mungo Fairlie, a native of Scotland being lately
made acquainted with some Family incidents, which requires his
presence in the Place of his nativity, as quickly as possible, is there-
fore desirous of going by way of New York. I Venture to recom-
mend Mr Fairlie to your Excellency & the Gentlemen of the Council
as a Person to whom, that Priviledge may be granted, if admissable
to any, for as Mr Fairlie has, ever since Septr 1776 been a near, and
intimate neighbour, it has furnished me with an opportunity of
knowing his Conduct, which I can safely aver, to have been entirely
in offensive and quite agreeable to all his neighbours, who to a man,
are all Zealous Friends to America. Should their be any impropriety
in this Adress your Excellency will do me the Justice, to atribute it,
to my ignorance, and a desire to serve a good neighbour and one
I verily believe to be a worthy man.
March 19
[Wm. Sanders, South River, to the Council.]
Yesterday Evening the Barges from the Ships Chased a small
Schooner Boat a shoar at my Landing on the Bay and By firing
Signall Guns from the Boat the Barges retur'd and Quitted the
schooner — wee this morng got the Vessell of and Carried her up the
River — and also about dusk we saw a Canoe which Came a shoar
with the Bearer Thomas Donnock and his Brother a Small Lad — the
said Donnock Goes to the office with money to Exchange — he sais
he lives in Dorchester County on the Eastern Shoar — he is well
known to Mr James Tootle and Mr Joseph Dawson — they Can an-
swer for him as he sais.
he has a Good deal of Conl Money with him
March 19
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 45
[Thomas Williams, Prince Geos County to Governor Lee]
I have sent up the deserter agreable to your Orders. Mr Hen-
derson Committed him by the name of Lucas Ives, of the Pensyl-
vania Line I refer to the mans own Account for particulars,
March 19
[John Smith Brookes, U. Marlbro, to The Honble The Governor &
Council.] (Favour of Capt. Trueman)
Your letter of the 7th instant did not reach me 'till the 17th which
will account for your not hearing from me upon a subject so impor-
tant. I proceeded immediately upon the execution of the business
you gave me in charge and have collected about 20 very fine Cattle,
and am in hopes in a day or two I shall be able to collect the whole
quantity mentioned I beg you will give me your orders immediately,
where I am to have them driven to, as your letter does not express
the place. I have of my purchase about two thousand weight of salt
provision on hand exclusive of what has been sent forward to
March 20