March 16
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 42
Principle but to serve the Cause of Virtue and my Country (the
latter of which I am convinced would be much benefited by the Ser-
vice of those Gentlemen in the field,) have taken the liberty though
a stranger to trouble Your Excellency with this note.
Captn Tawnyhill and Lieut Evens served with me on Colo Mor-
gans Rifle core during the Continuance thereof and was at the seige
and Capture of Burgoyne, and deported themselves as Officers
Soldiers, and Gentlemen, Capt Tawnyhill went into the Service as
early as 1775 as Lieut in a Rifle Core to Boston, the Year following
was appointed into Colo Stephensons Rifle Core, and Evins was
appointed into Stephensons Core the same Yeare, have served on
different Campaigns, and adarouss detachments perticularly with
General Sulivan against the Seanacae Indians, and with the Com-
manding Officer of the western departmt against the Mingoes, and
in the whole of their Service have maintained Inexceptionable
Characters. —
I have thought it my duty to inform your Excellency of those
Circumstances, and hope this Letter may in some Measure have the
effect designed which is to Justify Innocence and Love my Country.
I hope your Excellency will excuse this presumption on your
Excellencys goodness and believe me to be with Sincere Esteem
March 16
[Donaldson Yeates, D. Q. M., Elk, to Gov. Lee.]
I recd your letter yesterday Afternoon acquainting me of the
Situation of our fleet and troops and the two British Ships, previous
to this I had dispatched two Vessels with Bread and flow'r for the
troops, and an Express Boat with two large Packages for the Mar-
quis, and sundrie Public letters, all which I have come up with and
stoped from proceeding, till I receive further information, I have
Just regained the Public Papers and send them forward by land,
as I don't know where the Marquis is at present I have directed the
riders to wait on you for orders with them, from this circumstance
that has happened, it has delayed them one day, it was the Mar-
quiSts orders to me to provide express boats and send dispatches in
that way I have three hundred Barrels of bread and flow'r shiped
in these Vessels I have stoped, but no flesh provisions as yet, the
day before yesterday I recd a letter under Cover from Gl Washing-
ton to the Marquis, but directed if he had embarked from this place
to distroy it which I did, Colo Miles advises me he was in Rhode
Island. I have acquainted the Lieutt of Kent County of the Brittish
Ships passing Annapolis
P. S. I am requested to attend to fixing and keeping up a regular
Chain of riders thro' this and the Delaware State, would it be Agre-
able to you to order such as are appointed by you for the State, to
attend to the Passage of all Public papers and acquaint me with the
terms usual in this case