to attend to that Business, I am afraid we shall be oblidge to Treble
your Excellency with several other persons, who are Thro: others
doing every thing they Can to Discourage our Cause, Their was
taken up and brought to me, yesterday that old offender Leven
Deshroon, who has bin in Every Insurection, Has bin indited for
joining in the Insurection in Susex last summer. Broke Goal &
Join'd the Enemy, Since which he has bin in Lewes Town Goal,
from which he has bin Bailed by sum of his friends in this County
and has bin at home abought a fortnight; Behaving in the most
Insolent manor, he was Insolent enough the other Night, in the
house of a Certain George Parsons Junr To sing Sundry Disaffected
Songs, and being opposed by sum Few whigs that was there that he
would sing & say what he pleased whare he was Welcome, and the
others said he should not in their presence, upon which he stript him
self to fight, and would have bin handsomly treated by a Mr Finch
that was preasent, but Mr Parsons would not suffer him to lay his
hands upon him, Dishroon Declares to me, that he should not have
Behaved as he Did, but he was Insisted upon to sing these songs by
Parsons Brothers. I have made Two Majestrates acquainted with
this Conduct but wheather they will take any Meashures to prevent
in future such a Conduct I Cant tell, But now the Enemy are at our
Dores, the Torys are Exceeding Important, which Conduct Tends
to Discorage the young & weak minds, if a few of the ring leaders
of these men was CaStd to attend your Excellency in Council I am of
oppinion it would be attended with very good Consequence I am
sorry to Inform you that I could not arme more then Two hundred
men, and many of their Armes was not such as A man Could well
Trust his Life with, Sundry persons that have Good Armes will
neither use them nor Lend to others, I have bin oblidge to seaze
sum armes to put in to the hands of the Militia, which hope will
meet your approbation, if you Could posably spare us sum Artilery
& abought One hundred Armes & Cartouch Boxes, in Each County
I think we should be able at all times to Turn out abought three hun-
dred Good men from Each County which would be as many as
would be necessary to prevent their Doing much Damage, But I am
Convinced that One Galley Could be of more Service heare then five
hundred men on Shore
I have Inclosed you several Commissions, which please have New
Commissions sent forward, agreable to the Inclosed List which
is approved on all sides. I expect an Answer to my Letter by Mr
McBryd to day after which I shall Wright you Immediately & send
forward Mr Shockly
N. B I do not know Capt. Beach's Christian name nor the
County he resides in but Mr Jeremiah Backer Cou'd Give you every
Information upon that Subject we want sum Cartrig paper very
much & flints.
March 13
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 38