January 1-December 31, 1781 119
that river but under countenance of a Naval power superior to that
of the enemy; and indeed they are so trifling that they could not ven-
ture up the bay were they out of James river from the best accounts
I have received, the enemy have three Ships of force within the bay,
in addition to those Arnold had before, the French squadron has
withdrawn from the bay some considerable time. We are doing our
utmost to procure the boats necessary for landing the cannon &
troops, that is we are taking every one in James river, but they will
fall very far short of what Baron Steuben deems necessary, the
boats in the upper part of the river cannot navigate the lower parts,
nor can any be carried round from the other rivers. We feel our-
selves so much interested in the enterprize meditated that we have
set every instrument into motion which can possibly avail us, our
exertions are much circumscribed by the want of means.
March 12
[Th: Jefferson, In Council, Richmond, to Governor Lee]
The Prisoners of convention & those taken at the Cowpens hav-
ing been ordered on the late approach of Ld Cornwallis to move
on to our Northern boundary, while Congress could be consulted as
to what should be done with them, I have received a Letter from the
President from which the inclosed is extracted they have I believe
reached as far as Winchester from which place they are now ordered
to move on to Knowlands ferry, where the President in another Let-
ter informs me your Excellency will have made provision for sub-
sisting & guarding them further on. According to the desire of the
Congress expressed in the Presidents Letter I have taken the liberty
of communicating this to your Excellency.
March 12
[Thomas Beall of Geo. for T. Richardson, Comy Geo. Town, to
His Excellency, Tho. S. Lee Esqr.]
As Capt Richardson is not yet Returned but expected daily, have
herewith inclosed a Scetch of this purchase made by Mr Richardson
under his former Appointment, & likewise what & where he is
deposited the same, — all the Provisions sent to this post, by Mr Jno
Smith Brookes were sent on to Geo. Murdock at F. Town without
any delay — there has not been any Provisions sent from Charles &
St Mary's Counties, when Mr Richardson Returns do not Doubt but
he will give you a full & Satisfactory Acct in ansr to your last
March 13
[Chas. Blake, Corsica, to Governor Lee]
I receiv'd yr Excellcys of the 7th the day before yesterday, and
have rode about all day yesterday in search of provisions, I believe
these may be had near the quantity desird 10,000 weight and per-
haps the full quantity but it must be fresh I find Salt meat very scarce.
And from an apprehension that the fresh beef might spoil this warm
March 13